It's dumb, it delays the game, it should be against the rules to begin with, and the best reaction you get from people who don't use them is indifference. Usually combined with quite a bit of annoyance from everyone else. Yes, I get the argument is it lets people avoid Auto-spectate, but we have auto-spectate for a reason: Because you are AFK, and you aren't so special you get to take up the entire round for everyone else. It takes all of 5 seconds to open the menu and click out of it when you get back. If you lose a round because you decided to bail long enough that you lose that round to go get a sandwich? Tough. Eat your sandwich. This is a script that moves you, drastically altering your gameplay from a purely technical standpoint. This server doesn't allow any other kind of script that changes camera angle or movement, so why this one? Mods are rarely willing to do anything about it, either. Nearly half the time I see someone and point it out to a mod, nothing gets done about it, and I know they aren't just missing my messages because at that point we have nearly a dozen people complaining about it in voice chat or text. It disrupts the game for literally everyone, it provides no benefits to anyone outside of the script-user, and it encourages RDM, because it's honestly the only way to stop them without waiting for the timer to go down, if they happen to be a T Punishments: A kick for X number of offenses, clarifying they were kicked for AFK scripts, then a ban if they keep on doing it. Why? Because mods aren't always on, and it is a huge hindrance to everyone else. There is literally no action that is more destructive to a round or server than someone who is capable of delaying each and every round to the end. It's not usually malicious, but it can easily be done maliciously, and even when it's not malicious, it's just terrible for everyone else. It's just ridiculous this is still allowed. AFK move takes far to long, if it works at all.
I didnt even know this was a thing, dont think its a problem imo. Just kill them in overtime ezpz also your poll is very biased and not cool.
Kind of the point. Of the poll, I mean. It is a thing, and as infrequently as it happens, the only thing AFK scripting achieves is delaying for everyone else. I don't know why anyone would be in support of that.
Literally just fspec them, you'll never be kicked for being AFK. I have AFK'd close to 10,000 hours on these servers and never caused an issue. Also +1 my suggestion to make the afk system more effective so that these people still get moved to spec mode without a mod
Part of the problem is the mods don't Fspc them, well over half the time I see one on. Even after I bring attention to it.
So wait, what's the problem? We're talking about '+right' and '+forward' in console right? That prevents you from getting kicked or forced into spectator mode? First off, there is inherently nothing wrong with this. If they are the last T, they can be killed in overtime (since it's obvious they are using these scripts) for being AFK If they are the last Inno, they are not delaying because Ts can simply shoot them If there is a full server and they are preventing one other person from joining, there is usually a mod on who can fspec them at that point I don't see the malintent of these scripts. Can you clarify?
I literally cannot count the number of games I have gone through where someone had to RDM to end the round, or everyone had to wait until overtime, because of one of these people. And I haven't met very many of them. If you are playing in a long-lasting session on a server with someone like this, anytime they get T, unless there are special circumstances the round cannot end until overtime. There isn't any malintent, not in what is surely 99% of cases, but there also isn't any good reason to have them. It bypasses auto-spec, with is automatic for a reason, and serves exclusively to delay rounds for anyone else but the person using them. Mods are far, far less likely to spectate them, or at the very least can delay spectating them for multiple rounds if not maps. It's just not a good thing for this server to have. And, again, I'm pretty sure it would be technically against the rules anyway if it weren't for the fact mods have previously stated it is allowed, since you are using scripts to alter your movement in game.
Mods will spectate/slay them if they are delaying or not traitoring You have to wait til overtime? It's almost like you'd have to wait til overtime to kill AFKs anyway, regardless of scripts. If there are no mods on and they are continuously delaying, you can still report them on the forums for delaying However, using the console commands themselves is not delaying. It is used to bypass the AFK manager, which players may want to do for any number of reasons
The only ultimate purpose it can serve as far as anybody else is concerned is that they delay. We have the AFK manager for a reason, though, and that's primarily to cut down on the number of rounds delayed by AFK players. We have AFK manager for a reason, a good, solid reason, and being able to bypass that just because you want to avoid the consequences of leaving your keyboard or tabbing out of the game. It's not fair to the rest of the players that because you have something else to do, they all have to wait on you to get back.
You can't kill for +right +forward or +left in overtime, he might just like doing circles. You can't be 100% sure that he's AFK. A moderator should ask if they're there or not, and if no answer is given, fspec them.
Well, that's all sorts of fucked. Seriously, why is this allowed? Edit: That also requires the moderator to actually do that, either stage. Which, I can testify, does not always happen.
Far as I'm aware, they're not very common. And should someone be doing it while a mod is online, even in the case that the mod does not do so by themselves, just reach out and point out that the AFK is delaying the round and the mod will handle it. If they don't, they're neglecting their staff duties Personally the only 'good' reason I can think of is to not be forced off the server as more people join - or to not be killed for AFKing (and there may be room to argue that you can kill them despite the script if they're verifiably AFK - but it's best to reach out to staff). I don't think kicks and bans are justified, however annoying it is. Get a staff member online and or get a staff member to fspec them for delaying
I'm not too sure I agree with this. For the time being though, what Timo said should be followed as there appears to be some confusion within the staff team. Spoiler: My opinion Spoiler: AFK So, there are two main points in the AFK rule: 1. It needs to be overtime and 2. They need to be verifiably AFK. Let's just assume the first point is granted here. The only other thing stopping you from blasting them is the verification. Well, this should be pretty easy, shouldn't it? If they're just walking in perfect circles you ask them if they're AFK, get no response for a while and you're golden, right? We'll have to wait what higher staff have to say, but I do agree it's dumb if you can't kill them.
As I've argued before, Since we allow people to afk there is absolutely no need for anybody to use console commands or scripts to remain in the game. We allow everybody to stay in spectator mode, and if the server gets too busy we don't even kick you but we transfer you to one of our other servers where you can still remain afk and gain points. Since we allow everybody to be afk there should be absolutely no need for people to use scripts or console commands, and if they do they have chosen to do so intentionally. That means they're intentionally delaying rounds and fall under the rules pertaining to delaying the round. However, I feel that going afk and manipulating your client in such a way that you keep moving warrants a more severe punishment as it isn't something you just 'accidentally' do. Add that up with the fact that we already allow people to be afk and it mostly becomes intentional delay for the sake of trolling/delaying/... Therefor I think that people who are walking circles should be kicked, and not punished according to the delay offenses. And if they keep it up, they should get a ban. Edit: I do want to add, the occurrence of people (ab)using this mechanic are very sparse. It never happened often enough to warrant a serious increase in punishment as I voiced above. If it happens only once every few weeks I can't really see the harm in just following delay protocol. If it would ever increase to multiple occurrences a day though I would recommend increasing the punishment.
1. You've been a beast in my Hunger Games lmao 2. On topic with this discussion, I'm glad a Mod sees that this is a problem and that the current state of affairs is severely lacking. Yes, it's rare. But there are times when other crimes are rare. Know how many people I've seen metagame? It's no more than a handful. But we still have rules on it because that handful should not be looked away from. And I always hate the most-loved-but-generally-flawed blanket reasoning of "Wait for staff." At the very least, wait for staff to come and punish them for circumnavigating the system that recently @Opalium has worked VERY hard to make as near-perfect as possible for the experience of players. Not wait for staff to come and then just fspec them and leave and wait for them to do it again. I mean, at that point, you might as well just kill them. That is literally the reason behind killing AFKs in Overtime is acceptable. Staff can't always come and fspec everybody. They have lives and other responsibilities. What if there's a mass RDM going on in another server? There's things that take precedent. Also, scripting is considered hacking in most cases. Why not this one? It alters gameplay, as @TomCat™ said. It extends rounds. Why is this let off more easily? The staff love their time not being wasted, right? And that makes sense. That's understandable. Nobody wants their time wasted. So they can maybe see how players would feel the same way, yeah? We want the same thing, guys. TLDR It's a loophole and it should be closed.
I just want to clarify that punishment is only to deter people from doing it when staff are offline. This isn't something that I feel really warrants punishment by itself, but we still need some standard to enforce it by. As to what that punishment might be, I was thinking it would work with 3 kicks, a 1-hour ban, then either a multi-week ban (or a global one) growing progressively longer. The reason for this is that, after an hour ban, they clearly are doing it to either defy the rules or for malicious reasons (IE, Delaying the rounds). Because this is an offense done by *not* playing, you can't punish them for short intervals or offer them the chance to go onto other servers, simply because they aren't going to be there to experience the punishment, rendering it meaningless. Of course, that's just my opinion.
I agree sort of. It breaks the regular flow of the game especially if staff aren't online. If a mod is online we can just fpsec them because we see through that nonsense, they aren't there but as a normal player it can be frustrating to have to wait for the time limit because some random afk guy is abusing the +left +forward or +right. I think your punishment ideas are insane though and i'd rather just have it done like normal afk players: We put their ass in spectate and be done with it. I think if it is overtime and you have watched the person for a time and know he is afk, I dont understand why this would be rdm. Also, your poll is evil. You've made it so if I hit yes I have to agree with some nonsense about allowing people to delay the round. You are not being fair to those who see it a different way, to them it isn't delay. You also missed the point sort of.
That was kind of the point. There just isn't any other end result other than them delaying the round, for anyone but them. It's insanely high because they any other punishment just wouldn't work. They aren't going to care or probably even notice if they are banned for a short period of time, due to the nature of the offense being that they aren't playing. Putting them in fspec is absolutely useless, because depending on the person, they might not even realize what they are doing is against the rules (should this be made against the rules), which means they will keep on doing it when there are no staff online to stop them.