Rejected Spectator dm

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by olaf, Mar 13, 2014.

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  1. olaf

    olaf New Member

    I know this has been suggested before, but it is crucial to the goodness of the server, and the reasons it was shot down was dumb.

    Thus, we should have spectator deathmatch, as to compensate for the impatient monkeys that infest this server.
  2. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    I wouldn't say it is crucial, but I do enjoy Spectator DM, so +1 for sure. Not sure how it would work in this server though.
  3. olaf

    olaf New Member

    Essentially, I've seen some servers with a 'ghost' type of thing. All the living people look like ghosts, vision is distorted and the other spectators look solid and tangible, and you just shoot off at edach other.
  4. +3

    yeah, and there are ways to make it so you dont even see the live players (you also dont hear them) but then its like normal death match / free for all. except only between players already killed in the actual round./ spectators there is no interaction between the living and the dead.

    I have a server Favorited that if anyone that wants to see it in action of how I seem to think it would be let me know, I am not gonn advert it here unless permitted, the server aint bad but not as good as these. BUT they do have the DM
  5. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    It will ruin gameplay as people will just kill themselves to play the deathmatch.

    If you want Death match go play Counter Strike.
  6. I have never seen anyone do that specifically. Most wanna play TTT but if they die to quick or just in general. Why just sit around .

    Not to mention every now and then when loading a new map you have to wait longer than it takes yo start a round so you are stuck waiting the entire round.

    I have played on plenty of servers that have i t and never have I seen it detracted from normal gameplay. In fact not everyone even enters deathmatch.
  7. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    If you're bored, ALT+TAB and browse reddit/4chan/funnyjunk or something.
  8. Linkthedinosaur

    Linkthedinosaur Self Proclaimed Master of the No Scope VIP



  9. sure lets encourage NOT playing on the server that makes sence. wouldnt it be better to add it and if you dont want to then you can still alt tab out lol. perhaps I dont wanna browse internet, I wanna shoot people but also PLay TTT. lol something after a round would be nice to keep occupied. it wouldn't hurt the game or server in any way. I am not sure there could be any reason NOT to have it, one person said that some would suicide JUST to play that but i doubt that, after all they are here to play TTT some maps have spectator rooms but those get old quick. I mean if people wanted to move around as props they would just play prop hunt, but they are on a TTT server for a reason, just sometimes rounds can go for a while and getting a few mins of deathmatch in would make that time go by much faster.
  10. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Just my opinion, im allowed to give a + or - 1 to an idea.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. If you wanna see they style I am talking about (the server has off days though and not enough base to be really active. but with our setup I think it would be REALLY helpful to player increasing.

    here is the server that has the style I like I am talking to the owner about where he got it from so I can link the exact one and not some cheap copy.

    Ninjabu I think is the name of it.

    There usually isnt many people on it, but one week its full and the next its slow,. They just dont have enough members to get it populated I think. but when liek 5-8 people get on it, then it starts filling up. (that goes for really any server) no one is gonna join an empty one lol. i do not want to steer anyone from here, I like this one, hence I donate here. But I do like the Deathmatch. the point shop they have sucks, and looks bad. and the map line up is not great, but like I said on Serious TTT with the set up and maps, and rules I think it would increase player base to have spectator DM

    I know our east 1 and two seems to lag behind in player count to the west ones, but not always and not by much sometimes But I know for a about 1-2 days I saw one of them low on players occasionally, this may lower the chance of that happening. if by a little.
  12. We've been over this before, people suicide to join the death match.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. Guwop

    Guwop New Member

    I still want this to be a thing, its actually really fun when youre in deathmatch rather than just sitting as a floating ghost, and for your point of view people that kill themselves to just !dm will not be outweighed by the people who actually want to play ttt, its a good addition no doubt. Don't let a couple bad apples ruin something to potentially better the server or get more players on it.
  14. it has also been made that people who suicide or are salyed cannot play spec dm. granted the one way they could is by jumping off building etc. however it greatly lowers suiciders and personally I dont think it would be that big of an option. however people already suicide sometimes for LOL's like saying im with xxx then suicide, or jokingly jumping off buildings etc.
  15. Fool

    Fool VIP

    The problem is that in map like Dolls, people die from fall damage all the time. How do we know if they suicide or not?
    • Informative Informative x 1
  16. fall damage can be attributed to players such as being pushed etc the same at with the weapons. so preventing players who fell without any attribution from an entity such as weapons like harpoon etc. or prop damage (since they are generally from other players will minimize that greatly, yes players fall by accident but still not allowing them join spectator will greatly reduce players from playing via dying on purpose. EVEN those who died from falling off a ladder. bad luck is all.

  17. Could Not Agree More -1

    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  18. To the two above replies. If you want to wait and alt tab fine. if not then why not be allowed to play DM.

    if you are going to suicide THEN just go play CSS.

    ALSO just make it so that EVEN fall damage will not allow it.

    working on a custom scripting to allow those types of config.

    I dont see YOU not wanting to play it as valid arguments as opposed to just NOT +1 it. to -1 you would have to see problems with it. which I addressed.

    I can see -1 a map or so if it is dumb or glitched etc. if you do not like a suggestions sure -1 but just not wanting to play it means just not playing it. in my opinion.

    this has been requested SOOOOo many times, and from what I can tell is SOME people (mostly mods or admins) have concerns as RDM reports interfering and damage logs and players suiciding. IF those three were alleviated then why NOT add it?

    if players who fell, suicided were slain could not play it then problem solved even accidental fall damage preventing play would solve that issue and they would just have to not play it that particular round.

    however if you wish not to play it then dont. BUT the players that do could.

    its different for weapons or maps. as they are times when a map is on and you HAVE to play it or leave. same with a weapon you dont have to use it BUT you have to fight against it / be killed by it so I can see disagreeing with those. BUT if the problems with this were solved why NOT add it?

    I mean players suicide all the time sometimes but its not much of an issue, sure MAYBE it COULD be an issue by adding this which is why preventing suicides from playing would solve that then it would be just like it is now.

    Also of the players wanting it including me I have been on servers that have it and I never noticed players suiciding after all they ARE here to play TTT (and not wait for long rounds) if they were going to only play Deathmatch THEN i can see just going to play CSS lol
  19. Also just as much as so and so said just alt tab and look at sites, just as much as you Dont wanna do a death match I dont wanna just browse a site while I am dead lol. otherwise I would just do that instead.
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