Sir Lemoncakes

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by DoA N1GHTMARE, Aug 12, 2013.

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    DoA N1GHTMARE Banned

    So on metroplis I'm sitting on a bridge that looks breakable (because it looks like the one on rooftops that breaks), but it turns out it's not. A t starts crowbaring it so thinking he's breaking it I kill him. Sir Lemoncakes puts a slaynr on me and I try to argue with him that it's a false slay because of the rule "no breaking bridges," even if it isn't breakable it looks like he was trying to and because I was standing on it, him breaking it would've led to my death. I'm assuming I'm now banned for 5 days for "rdm" and leave which I did not rdm, I had reason to kill the guy and seeing as I'm a pretty trustworthy guy and I think I know what I'm doing when I play the game I did NOT rdm. Let's not forget who made this guy mod, and now I regret it. I've seen people have even worse reasonings and get away with it. Like the previous round for example.

    I'm sitting there looking for 9mm ammo. Ahnuld, like an idiot, is holding an explosive barrel and someone shoots it hurting him. I turn around to go look for my ammo somewhere else and he calls kos on me for it even though he had no proof what so ever whether it was me. Lemoncakes didn't even bother to even consider what I had to say and slay ahnuld for a false kos, nor did he even bother to check the logs to see who had shot the barrel and slay that guy if it was an inno.
  2. Nummy

    Nummy Banned

    You should be banned and it was justifiable.
    "That's my pointless input to the matter."
  3. IamAhnuld

    IamAhnuld Regular Member

    Much as I hate agreeing with Nummy, Lemon was right. He RDM'd a T for "destroying" an undestroyable bridge, then left without saying he was leaving.
  4. Sofa King

    Sofa King Member

    About the barrel thing, I shot the barrel. (I was traitor.) Also, I can't believe he thought that was you, I was speechless.
  5. IamAhnuld

    IamAhnuld Regular Member

    I carry a barrel when I'm an inno an when I'm a T. When I'm innocent it draws out terrorists ( you don't get killed when you're holdin the barrel), and when I'm a T I'll take it into the most dense group of people I can.

    Considering that there is no way you can prove that I was wrong and I have witnesses and facts showing you're wrong makes this a pretty cut and dry thread.

    DoA N1GHTMARE Banned

    What facts are you talking about? I was innocent and did not shoot the barrel. The traitor who did shoot it just admitted to it so I'm not really sure how you're right. From the actual facts, you had no proof what so ever as to whether or not I shot the barrel as evident by the fact you kos'd the wrong person. Witnesses? Witnesses of what?
  7. IamAhnuld

    IamAhnuld Regular Member

    No, I meant when you RDM'd the dude on the bridge. And left.

    ... and then said it wasn't RDM and leave.

    DoA N1GHTMARE Banned

    because it wasn't rdm and I also had a reason for leaving.
  9. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    Nightmare, Im not against you but you could have said a quick "Gotta go, please dont ban me. Ill explain in forums later" Or something. Just a tip for next time. :D
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