I was playing TTT when someone started shooting at me for no apparent reason. I was a Traitor in this case but it does not matter. The player in question did happen to be Innocent and Proven (I did not know this) so I called the appropriate KOS. When alerted that he was Innocent and Proven I canceled my KOS and when I approached said player again he killed me. I reported him for RDM and sadly I did not have my recording going so the Report was deemed invalid. His response to said report was that he T baited me then killed me for calling a KOS. So He put me in a situation where he was commiting a Traitorous act and when I did the appropriate action he killed me for it. Its kinda loopholing in a way because fitting that pretty much anyone could do that and get away with RDM. Should the rule "(I actually couldnt find a rule saying you could kill someone who KOS'd you but if and when somone finds it please put a link so I can copy and paste it in)" Be changed to "If an Innocent (Player 1) is committing a T Act in an effort to bait another player (Player 2) into KOSing them (Player 1), they are held accountable for RDMing the other player (Player 2)regardless if the other player (Player 2) is a T or not."
+1. Usually when situations like these happen, If I was player 2, I won't get reported and my karma would just become low. Many players get karma banned because of this issue too.
The way you phrased this made a TTT round sound like a personal slice of life thing and I love it But no. A KOS is always able to be met with another KOS. This is to make a KOS have an in-game consequence beyond slaying. You do not have to make a KOS, nor do you have to follow one, but you are allowed to do either (A false KOS will still result in a slay if it is followed). Furthermore, and more pertinent, if you call a KOS on someone, you are essentially declaring that person to be a traitor. When they become proven, it has been shown that you attempted to get an innocent player killed. Which is, in just about every case, a T-act. Edit: If you can call off a KOS, It would be like shooting someone, they run into the tester and it shows up green, then you say "Oh, well I didn't know they were innocent, you shouldn't be allowed to kill me"
But the problem is this person used this to intentionally loophole the system and kill player 2 with no repercussions. He intentionally commited a T act as an inno to bait another player into KOSing him so he could kill him. It doesnt matter that he was proven.
Again, you do not have to call a KOS. If instead of calling a KOS, you shot and damaged him, is he still not allowed to kill you?
Also, T-baiting is not loopholing. It is a commonly used tactic that helps speed up the round in many cases
I didnt mean the T baiting was loopholing I meant that he basically killed me because he was T baiting was a loophole.
When you call a KOS on somebody, you are telling people to kill them. AKA: Attempting to get them killed or harmed. When you shoot someone. you are attempting to get them killed or harmed. If, in the exact same scenario you experienced, instead of calling a KOS on them, you shot them, should they still be allowed to kill you?
Hello! Allow me to give a little bit of input here. The act of KOSing a player is putting a player who you have KOS'ed life in danger. A player is free to KOS the player who KOSed them. This is so that they have the chance to clear their name. In your situation, you claim that you canceled the KOS, but despite this, were still killed for it. This is not RDM by the simple fact that the player may not have heard or seen you cancel the KOS. This is hard to prove whether or not someone actually saw or heard it, and since you do not have a recording, it's understandable why no punishment was issued here. You are also talking about t-baiting, which is another situation that we have here. T-baiting is a traitorous act. It is traitorous to t-bait someone, so you can indeed KOS the player that t-baited you. But by KOSing the player who has t-baited you, you have fallen for their bait and done something that they can then kill you for. This is the intent of t-baiting in the most literal sense of the word. Your suggestion would make it RDM if someone simply reacted to a t-bait. I don't think that this is something we should have here as t-baiting is something that is not against the rules and is a viable strategy for innocents to find traitors. Thanks for the suggestion, but due to the above I must give it a -1.
Im not complaining that the player didnt get a slay im merely creating a converstation on the rule and whether or not a change is in order, and about the rule i suggested that wasnt necessarilly what I was suggesting. What I was suggesting was that an innocent should be responsible for killing a player if a KOS was valid. Or at least a clarification so incidents like this dont happen in the future.
Yes I do believe they should be allowed to kill me if I shot and damage them. But my suggestion didn't involve KOSing I basically said a player should be held accountable for damaging and or killing another player if said player is doing something in self defense. In the same situation what if he damaged me before I called the KOS, thats RDM/Unreported Damage and the KOS would be valid but he stilled killed me because I called it. Suddenly its ok he killed me but not ok he damaged me because he damaged me before I called the KOS.
I think I know what you are trying to say here, but I'm not sure, so I will take you literally. A valid KOS will never result in a slay. There is no need for responsibility.
The reason for this is you are not under any harm or at risk of any harm to you or your round. They have only threatened to harm you by shooting near you. When damage is introduced, it become a punishable offense because you have potentially ended their round prematurely, or otherwise altered it. The risk of damage or the threat of damage can be acted upon in self-defense, but can also be ignored, therefor not altering your round (Beyond what it takes to ignore it). If he damaged you before calling the KOS, the only thing that would change is, if the damage was unjustified, you are correct, it would be considered RDM, and he would be slain as a result. This is against server rules and will always be punished if the person is found guilty by a moderator or admin. I'm not entirely sure what else there is to say, so I will leave it at this: -KOS (Kill On Sight) is giving permission for other players to kill the targeted player. -A KOS is considered an attempt to kill that player. -If somebody makes an attempt to kill you, you are allowed to KOS them as a result. -You are under no obligations to create or follow a KOS. -T-baiting (The act of shooting at or near another player without damaging them) is just the threat of damage. It does not actually harm the player. It is up to your own judgement to ignore T-baiting or react to it, either by calling a KOS or by returning fire.
If a KOS is valid, then they did not do anything wrong by killing the player that they did. The ONLY thing that needs to happen for a KOS to be valid is for the player to commit a traitorous act, or for them to have KOS'ed you first. Changing this rule would only make players get punished for following KOS'es and is therefore not something I support.
I guess i'm not doing really well to defend my ideas. My idea of the rule change doesn't effect following a KOS it only effects responding to a KOS. If a person is committing a Traitorous Act and they are KOS'd the person who is KOS'd should not be aloud to kill the KOS'er or face a slay for RDM. The person who is KOS'd should be able to respond to another person shooting at them but unless the KOS'er is shooting and or damaging the KOS'd it should be against the rules to RDM the KOS'er.
So i'm just supposed to wait for him to damage me and alter the outcome of the round in RDM to respond? He had a Deagle and it was mid to long range. Any bullet could have been a headshot and suddenly our 3-2 player lead would become 2-2 and my 2 traitor buddies would be against 2 innocents. I understand your opinion I just cant help but think I cant explain it properly.
If you were a traitor why would you call out an innocent? That's like the easiest way to get yourself killed as a traitor. Next time, forfeit the kos and just blast the innocent. Set the body on fire and run away as fast as you can.