Rule fix: ambiguity on explosive prop possession

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Nevodka, Jun 10, 2018.

  1. Nevodka

    Nevodka Active Member

    Here is a report on me marked valid for moving explosive barrels towards players:

    The player wasn't damaged, killed, or blocked in movement, but this fell under "toxicity."

    Today I moved an explosive barrel towards players but without getting close enough to cause potential damage, and was warned by @Osmium who said the following statements about it.

    Osmium to You: Poessing a explosive barrel and moving towards player is toxic gameplay.
    Osmium to You: It's discretionary depending on the situation. If the player is on the otherside of the map and you moving around.
    Osmium to You: without going towards them then it's fine.
    Osmium to You: If you're trapped in a room with no innocent then you can flying all you want.

    As far as I can tell this rule is not in writing anywhere and yet is being enforced very specifically. You cannot move an explosive barrel towards players, even if you are outside the damage zone.

    However the official rules only mention you will be slain for real damage caused. This should be clarified in the prop possession rules rather than throwing it under the 'toxicity' blanket which is ambiguous.

    For those curious the following are the rules regarding prop possession:

    Under eight main rules:

    7. No prop killing as spectator
    When you become a spectator in TTT, either after dying or going into spectator mode, you gain the ability to "possess" props, control them and move them around. Using this feature to cause damage or kill living players is not allowed, and considered RDM. Blocking player's paths as a spectator is also not allowed and can be considered toxic gameplay.
    Please see the "Prop Rules" section below for more details.

    In the extended rules under Prop possession as spectator:
    • ANY damage or deaths caused by a spectator controlling a prop is an RDM under their responsibility, and they will be punished according to the usual protocol. This includes moving possessed props into pools and other drops areas where players are supposed to land from heights, causing them damage from their fall - for instance, the pool at the bottom of Life The Roof or the landing pool at the ceiling of 67th way.
    • Spectators controlling props in way that is disruptive to the gameplay of living players (i.e. taking away a prop from core gameplay or hiding a prop that has some functionality) is also not allowed and will be dealt with according to the harassment protocol (see above).
    • Even if a player was a Traitor before dying, they are still not allowed to use props as spectators to continue damaging/killing innocents.
  2. Scotty

    Scotty Heroes come and go, but legends are forever. VIP Bronze

    That right there is enough. You cause any damage to them that influences the round. You may think its not enough if I move it just a tiny bit but with TTT in general it changes on the drop of a dime. That little inch around the corner is enough to make a kill possible rather than having the round continue. And it can go to toxic gameplay if they have a history of doing such things in the past or a bad rep with the staff/server at the moment. If you only just joined it would be rare that you get a warning/punishment for toxic gameplay.
  3. Robyn

    Robyn Floof Moderator VIP Silver

    You should have gotten a warning for harassment since “you” didn’t damage anyone. The only way you could have Prop killed is if it exploded without any shots to it. If others shoot it to kill someone then its under harassment because its disruptive.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2018
    • Confusing Confusing x 2
    • Creative Creative x 1