
Discussion in 'Farewells' started by Ahpux, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. Ahpux

    Ahpux Banned

    Well it's has been hard the past few days. I can't handle it anymore. I haven't been on the internet for 2 whole days. I've sobbed almost every tear I have in my body. My pet rock has died recently. Him and I were going to open up a business together. Some of you ask, "How do rocks die?" Well let me tell you.. He got killed by Miley's wrecking ball. Miley is a murderer. Anyway, I'd like to leave the Serious TTT community for good. If you guys would like to see any pictures of him, here is one below.
    (Yes this is serious)
  2. Snak

    Snak Banned

    All 11 of your posts have been applications/resigns hehehe (jk but still a low number!)

    Later bro son
  3. Dude I had some good times with that rock too,and Ill miss him see you man,and lets pray that rock is in a better place,and hopefully has met his ancestors.
  4. Shades

    Shades VIP

    I don't even understand why you re-applied then didn't play at all.. XD
  5. cuz hes the g.o.a.t his personality gives a buff to the staffs morale,for example when a team captain goes down they become more motivated,but still good luck,and dont let anyone play you,always remember the value of +17.2 rhombi.
  6. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP

  7. Sad days.
    Very sad days.
    Take care friend, you will be missed.
  8. Slippery

    Slippery VIP

  9. Kp seyp