Completed Report against VoiceOfTreason

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by kingsaib0t, Nov 23, 2015.

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  1. Last edited: Nov 24, 2015
  2. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    Can you send this in a different form, Im quite offended that someone thinks I hack but either way I would enjoy to see the video and I have nothing to view this with.
  3. SchmooveySchmoove

    SchmooveySchmoove He's so Schmooooveeee VIP

    I also had suspicion on Voice using a couple forms of hacks, aimbot as saibot mentioned, and as well as spectate hacks. Now, I spent several rounds recording he did a couple of things that made me think he had spectate hacks, he killed himself during one of the rounds, because his gun was invisible or he couldnt see them during that round as he said. as i was spectating him, and he also mentioned my name in dead chat to see if i was there, since i was spectating. I'll post a screenshot down below i took. Talking about the demo listed saibot posted above, I also was spectating voice during this round, me and saibot have similars demos during this round . Look at the tick at the demo saibot included at 2200 ticks, thats when it looks like voice has no recoil, and aimbot as well.

  4. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    Smoovy we have been friends on the server for a while, when i noticed you in spec I asked if you were here to play. Sorry for being friendly.
  5. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    If possible maybe @Alisae could respond as she is on the server at the moment...
  6. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    Ok Just got the ability to watch it.. apparently you never use the acr it has little to no recoil and if you would enjoy me to paste my files into here I will gladly do so, you are correct why would a vip hack, Im nearing 800 hours on this server and have enjoyed every minuet, why would I waste it away hacking.. to stop pretty much any recoil from an acr all you have to do is slightly pull down on your mouse as you fire and it stays level, it is why it is good not only at short range but long range.. and if you would do the kindness to look at my ping on the west servers its usually 100-900 as I live about as rural east US as you can get and play on mediacom.
  7. SchmooveySchmoove

    SchmooveySchmoove He's so Schmooooveeee VIP

    Voice, your ping wasnt even above 100 it was stable at about 80. also, there is not way that your aim should of been so stable without recoil, im pretty sure i saw a couple of snaps in that demo too.
  8. Damn Schmoovey, I thought I was the only one suspicious of this guy.
  9. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    Either way you put it, I have no reason to hack, Im not a god at the game but Im good enough to play and feel good about it. And Smoovy 80ping vs 20ping will look like hacking to anyone.
  10. That Counter-Strike: Source excuse isn't going to work. Spectators can see recoil in TTT.
  11. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    And if i was aimbotting please explain how many times i missed.
  12. I hope I don't need to make a video that proves the ACR has some recoil, if I do, then that's a shame. Your screen wasn't moving at all when you shot at the detective, not a pixel.
  13. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    I would love to make a video of how to cancel 99% of acr recoil with just a slight pulldown on your mouse. Please Keep challenging as I will stand my ground. I do not hack, I will not hack, and I am going to stick to it.
  14. Tinbuster00

    Tinbuster00 See you on the forums! VIP Silver Emerald

    Here's a video I put together with some of the moments from the demo. As well with a demo I recorded of me spraying with an acr and then trying to control the recoil(poorishly). I made the video to perhaps make it a bit easier for whatever mod+ handles this report to take a glance at the evidence.

    There are definitely some suspicious moments in there like at 19 seconds in for example. If you slow down that to 0.25 speed it appears as if his crosshair doesn't bob up or down at all while he's spraying down that hallway. Though even with that, for me at least, its a bit inconclusive to be honest. With only a few suspicious moments I'm personally not certain that he's hacking. Someone else with more experience with no-recoil hacks could probably make a more informed decision. More evidence would definitely be more helpful as well.
    @Alisae might have something to add since she was on at the time.
  15. Alisae

    Alisae VIP Silver

    I do not have much to add to this thread, other than that multiple people, including @kingsaib0t and @SchmooveySchmoove notified me of the possible hack(s).

    I was indeed online at the time but due to my minimal knowledge when it comes to recognizing hacks, I do not think I am the right person to have the last say on this.
  16. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    Lists the 2 people from this report, I honestly feel like there is some personal vendetta from Alisae towards me as for 2 days in a row her words with me have been quite cold and hostile. I have proof of 2 times, and can personally say when simply asking how to watch a demo Instead of saying put it in your demo file she replies with a quick "Just Google "How do watch a demo"
  17. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    That was actually me who told her to say that to you as it is the simplest way to find out how as saying "put the demo in your demo folder" is pretty vague as the Garrysmod folders is quite buried. Googling it would bring more results and an easier path to finding such information.
  18. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    To be completely honest, in the time I've been here, and the time I've actually played with Treason, I haven't ever suspected him of being a hacker. I know I'm technically the newbie, but even still, I don't think he' could be hacking. Some people are that good, look at Biohazard for instance. He is almost insane when it comes to how well he can kill people in a split second. Plus, if you think about it, if VAC hasn't caught anything yet in the claimed 800 hours or so that VoiceOfTreason has obtained, and then some from wherever else he's played, then why would it pop up now? Even watching the video, we can see that he can't aim half the time. Heck, I've killed him plenty of times. He's even got it out for me at some points.
  19. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    Below is a short period that may contribute to this thread. I attempted to get more, but this is all I am able to conclusively gather. The kill on Largo had me...suspicious at most. However, the blatant locking and lack of recoil on Delta is overall appalling. If need be, I'll record his demos and put them up on youtube as well. Although the lot of you may conclude that he's 'legitimate' based only on demos.

    Also, before I continue: steam > steamapps > common > garrysmod > garrysmod > [put the files here]
    When in-game you would type 'playdemo <demoname>' or just type playdemo and hit the up or down arrows to navigate if typing isn't your forte.

    Currently publishing, but here's the proof:
  20. I'd like to point out that 1:20, and 1:38 is UNDENIABLE.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
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