Completed Report against The Bob

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by NONTU, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. NONTU

    NONTU EL muy guapo! VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    The Bob
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Last round to change map to skycraftfinal.
    Time of Occurence:
    I dont know... like 6:30 or 7:00 pm (mexico time)
    Reason For Report:
    He was camping in the little cave below the portal RDMing so many people who dared to pass in front of the cave.

    I was going to harpoon him but before i could do something, he kill me.

    Here are some pics of the rage in the chat and how many people he kill, u guys can check the role of everyone.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Senko

    Senko Euphoria Supporter

    This player has been banned for RDM & Leave First Offense. Thanks for taking the time to report this player on the forum.
