Invalid Report against Orion Galacticus

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by xCaptainҳ, Jun 19, 2018.

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  1. xCaptainҳ

    xCaptainҳ New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Orion Galacticus
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    the map with a sewer in the middle
    Which Round:
    No clue. 1-3 perhaps
    Time of Occurence:
    around 7:15-7:30
    Reason For Report:
    I got slain for rdm, when i enter a room, 2 people start shooting towards an open door, one shoots from behind the other, which i kill, a 3rd guy comes from the doors, shoots both the 1st guy shooting from the door, and then at me.

    Orion then decides to slay me for rdm, then threatens me when i explain to him, i did nothing wrong.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Orion Galactus to You: now you're claiming other stuff to get out of the slay

    Orion Galactus to You: that I will not allow

    All i did, was explain what happend, since he did not understand the situation.

    The log in the console should be enough evidence, and i have no clue, why he would assume i am trying to get out of a slay which had already had happend. ​
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
  2. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    Tagging @Orion to place his evidence and his admin @Ashes Relandi to conclude the report.

    Pleasebe patient as they gather their evidence.
  3. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

    Hello Captain.

    You're reporting me because of the following report:


    You then started talking to me on PMs after you got slain and this is what happened:


    You were changing up the story by saying the guy you killed shot Tritical in the PMs but you put as a response that he shot you and also said via PMs that DudeMan shot at you.

    Here's the deathscene:

    As you can see, you never even saw DudeMan shoot and he never shot towards you (you weren't even inside the room when he shot). You also killed him because Tritical died as soon as you got in so you killed DudeMan for being the last. That's not common sense because DrkSephy is the one that killed Tritical and you went to DudeMan and shot him for being the only one you saw in the gunfight.

    When you already got slain you said DudeMan shot Tritical. I then said I wasn't going to allow that since I noticed you gave me conflicting stories after saying the same twice. I don't know why you felt like that was threatening you.

    I'll let @Ashes Relandi finish the report up.
  4. Ashes Relandi

    Ashes Relandi ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Weeb Admin of TTT Administrator VIP Silver

    Hey Captain,

    I'll just jump straight into this here.

    After reviewing the evidence at hand this is what I have concluded to:
    @Orion used the evidence provided in the logs + the death scene alongside your report and came with a verdict that was justified as "Valid".

    You stated that you saw 2 people die and he was the last one and he shot you.
    Simply based on the logs and death scene, we can clearly see the following:
    1. Only 1 person died and he was not the last one alive. Even then this would be a kill on suspicion.
    2. He never shot you.
    Thus with all that he applied a slay.

    You then took it to a PM to dispute the slay as per Orion's screenshot.
    I'd like to note that all information in regards to a report upon yourself must included in the original report window as that is we use to verify the validity of it with the logs.
    Staff may refuse additional information in PMs mainly because players will often try to loophole or find ways to change their story to avoid the slay.

    Also based on the information provided, even if you did have your secondary reasoning accepted, it would not suffice as you also could not witness who shot who in this case. Your field of vision is blocked by walls for both players so you wouldn't be able to determine who actually killed him or shot.

    I see no issues with how my moderator handled this matter. He even explained to you why you were slain. He did not stray from standard protocol and used the evidence he had on hand to come to this conclusion.
    I will mark this report as Invalid.

    If you have further questions or concerns feel free to discuss this with me via PMs on Forums or Discord.

    P.S - I will need to discuss your current forum name since there is a bit of an issue with it.... but I'll pm you about.
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