Completed Report against Cthuluhoop

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Mason, May 31, 2015.

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  1. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Correct, mixed with the burning body sound over riding your colt shot, the five second grace period, and what Lane stated above while in poor taste and an itchy trigger finger, Cthulu was within the rules to shoot and kill you. As Alice stated above, this is what a lot of us were taught and MANY OF US have marked as invalid in reports.

    Her tone afterwords, could do without and I would definitely consider harassment. It was not needed and no doubt is what caused you to file this report. It was certainly not okay and caused this problem to escalate.

    I have nothing further to input on the matter, and would request an admin to review all the information.
  2. Slicck

    Slicck Advisor VIP Silver

    If Cthulu didn't witness him commit the traitorous act, then the 5 second grace period would not apply. It may have applied if they were in a room with no exits but one, and she heard the death of the person and shots being fired (I know she most likely heard them in this case, but in a room with 2 exits and an inner closet).

    Another reason a slay would be in order is because she killed the player for assuming he burned the body, and also said that it's reasonable to assume that he did it. In this case, he didn't do it, and the assumption led to a person's round being ruined.

    Cthulu makes some good points, but this report is valid. I'll be the one arranging the slay.
  3. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    The slay was finished.

    Report: Complete
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