Completed Report against Andy

Discussion in 'Deathrun Staff/Player Reports' started by s1rcool, Jul 14, 2017.

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  1. s1rcool

    s1rcool Active Member VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:

    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason for Report:
    Inconsistent Staffing, Wrong Protocool, Biased, False Gags and Mutes.

    Okay Andy needs intense retraining, hes hypocritical in his actions. If someone makes a somewhat offensive joke, he warns them for harassment, having the most thinnest skin. However, if he does the same manner, a joke that may be somewhat offensive, its perfectly fine since hes the one saying it.

    I don't really like doing forum reports because of drama and stuff, but this has to stop, he clearly doesn't know what hes doing. He has the thinnest of skin, finding stuff offensive that isn't really offensive but he just exaggerates them consistently.

    He gags and mutes people for the most pettiest reasons, for example: someone fell from a trap and says in mic "Oh shittt" or even "get rekt"after doing an insane speedrun he gags them or even a slight increase of volume warrants a mute/gag.

    A week ago or two, someone was singing a song and I continued the other lyrics of the song, and I get gagged. Understandable, I know it is micspam to sing, however, the thing is that the other guy Sang for like 10 seconds, and I used my mic for 3 seconds. Clearly favoritism for we should have both been gagged and not only me. ( I don't have screenshots for this because I don't screenshot everything in my life)

    Someone said "fuck you andy" because Andy caught him in a trap the round before then he gets kicked instantly for Harassment.

    Noodle uses his bind thrice. Dev uses his bind thrice. Dev gets a mute, Noodle doesn't. And mind you, that isn't even spam, he said it thrice over the course of 1 minute?

    I get gagged for putting my mic down my throat when I was clearly using it properly for the past 2 maps. People in the server said it was false.

    Him getting mad/can't control his emotions just because I said No to his invite, so professional, mind you he wasn't joking.

    Someone was memeing, he was using the word "nigga", but no one took offense in it, and Andy didn't warn him to stop either. So I have no idea how it was counted as harassment if no one is there to be harassed. Another example of Andy's "sensitivity". Cmon people, we're playing a gamemode, where a Death soul kills people using traps, people use guns to kill each other.

    Also, I'd like to ask Pixel and Falcor, to take this report seriously and understand it well. Hopefully, he gets a "time out" or gets retrained fully so he gets to do his job as a moderator efficiently.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Of course I don't record all the times I've played with him but here are a few examples from several occasions, I wish I had more.

    Compare the amount of times, the other staff have muted or gagged people for spam or harassment and compare it to the times Andy has done it. I think he would have won by a landslide.
  2. s1rcool

    s1rcool Active Member VIP

    Tagging @Good Noodle as a witness and vouch to my statements.
    No need for staff for the tags I got it.
    Tagging @AndrewB(Andy) as he is the one being reported and his Admin @PixeL
  3. Good Noodle

    Good Noodle VIP Silver

    I've witnessed most if not all of this, and I can support this almost fully. I personally don't think Andy is a bad person, but he does take things too seriously, and due to this, he takes action in situations he shouldn't. He often exaggerates things too much, and he just needs to chill a bit.

    All and all, I think he just needs to be trained or re-trained.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
  4. MythMe

    MythMe VIP

    I'd add that andy is a good man, but a little 2 triggerhappy with mutes / gags.
    Like i typed a word wrong 2 times and got muted.

    (I is witnes)
  5. AndrewB

    AndrewB VIP

    Thank you so much for taking your time and filing a report against me.

    I'd like to start by saying that I do not warn anyone for making offensive jokes unless it is specifically directed to someone and is clearly harassment. I've only used appropriate jokes that is not directed to anyone. @Good Noodle and @Razormaxx can back me up on this as no one has had any offensive joke directed as harassment (unless if you're talking about the jokes some people make about the Holocaust and Jews). In that case that is harassment.

    I gagged the player after a verbal warning to let him know it's not ok to scream into your mic. As using your mic in the game is to talk to other players and not deafen them.

    I did not only gag you, in fact I gagged the both of you and warned both of you. Sadly that was weeks ago and I don't have the recordings anymore.

    Again this was 2 weeks ago and I don't have the evidence. The reason I kicked the player "pussy" was because he was harassing me and using racial slurs in the chat above. I already gave him 1 warning and he did not listen.

    The reason I mute warned dev was because he must've not heard me give him a verbal warning the first time, therefore I made sure he knew that it was spam by mute warning him. But when I told noodle, he heard me loud and clear.

    I understand how the gag warn was false and I apologize for that. But what puzzled me is when you went ahead and brought up many ridiculous false accusations into this report. Reporting a staff member is not to joke around or to throw screenshots at them along with an elaborate plan to get them in trouble. It is to simply to report the real problem and get it handled by a higher up. But I'll continue.

    I'm glad you took the time to screenshot my mic as evidence. As if you ask @Good Noodle or even @dev11345 that I did not intend that with a harsh tone. I simply replied to you with my microphone with "I'm just kidding man, haha". I recall this event because you were the only one who responded besides @NyxLuna who is a witness of this.

    The reason I kicked CHEEEEEZ was because he was directing the word "ni**a" to me constantly. After warning him (using my mic) he continued to ask me to "unmute me pussy ni**a". It was an unaccepted behavior as I was indeed being harassed by him. I don't enjoy saying the word at all, as I've never actually said the word at all and you may ask anyone.
  6. NyxLuna

    NyxLuna New Member

  7. Good Noodle

    Good Noodle VIP Silver

    Though, my main point still stand that Andy is a bit too quick on the mutes/gags. I will defend him slightly.

    To start off with this:
    I do believe that s1rcool may have missed this, but Andy did in fact give me, a verbal warning for spamming 3 times (not sure what spamming entitles) and then dev proceeded to "spam" after hearing the warning he gave me. This is why he muted him, and not me.

    I was on when this happens, as seen in the screenshot, and CHEEEEZ called him a nigga few times and also directed it at him with the statement, "unmute me pussy ass nigga".

    Regardless of my defense, I still strongly believe that Andy really needs to be a bit more lax in his mutes/gags because he often does so for little blurts out of the mic and/or a slight increase in volume when someone speaks.
  8. PixeL

    PixeL Man märker andras fel och glömmer sina egna Banned VIP Silver

    I should've completed this before, my bad.

    So to start with the harassment issue.
    Now, nobody here has the evidence for the first warning so I don't really know if it happened or not but that player does have a history of harassment as I've seen in game, plus he did say F-U to Andy right there so, for that part of the report I'll say that was justified and fine.

    Onto the spam for Noodle & Dev. As Noodle said below in his statement that Andy did in fact warn him for the spam but with a verbal warning instead of a mute. Now you don't necessarily need to mute them if they're spamming as you could just say to stop, all up to them.

    As for the gag warn, Andy did admit to that and how he messed up and apologized for it as well.

    For the invite that Andy said wasn't for you, he said in voice chat that he's kidding as said by the 2 witnesses of the case.

    Finally, there's the CHEEEEZ guy. Noodle says that he kept calling Andy the N word which can be considered harassment if it is directed towards him. Then there's a screen shot saying it to him in a mean manner so that was justified.

    Now I will admit that Andy was a bit strict at times but every mod has their own way of moderating. Some choose to be super strict, some don't. It's honestly up to them.

    Of all the things above, I can only really see one thing valid while the rest is invalid. So the report will be marked invalid for all the things above except the gag warn that he apologized for.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2017
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