Presentation to the Daft kind.

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Daft, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. Daft

    Daft New Member

    Here's a little presentation of I even know I am totally new 'round here.

    Well first of all, hai, I'm Daft, I play on the East side. I'm just a normal guy, who likes the server like many others. Well since the community that I was in is down, it's been almost a year, well I am simply coming on random servers, and I gotta say that I really like this server. Unfortunately, when I was coming on some random servers, 90% of them had a co-owner who didn't know what ttt_print_damagelog was. Well I really wanted to tried this one out, I guessed that a "serious" and actually ranked 10th over all servers would be great, and that is indeed what happened. I really like this community (as I actually saw). If you guys know who Zuthar13 is, well he've been part of my ex community. I was happy, but I hope that the first impression that I've got here would be a good one and hope to see you in the East Side server!
    There's a couple of him (zuthar) about our ex community. Here's the link of our (ex) server.,

    And so, see ya!
  2. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    It was nice having you yesterday, see you on east :) and welcome.