Denied popdude911's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by popdude911, Feb 16, 2019.

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  1. popdude911

    popdude911 New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Electric Sheep
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    played 1 round today on this server and it was as a traitor so i know it wasnt rdm and id like to know why i got banned on this server as well since i only did rdm and leave on the west server and that was 2 days ago and i usually dont play on east and when i do its usually only for about one round and today i only played 1 round as a traitor​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    i have no proof because i dont know the rule that i broke considering i was the traitor and i know i didnt kill my t buddy​
  2. popdude911

    popdude911 New Member

    i would also like to state that i was not given a reason for the ban as well nor do i know who it was that banned me
  3. ryan

    ryan yeet VIP

    Tagging @Lordyhgm™ Who banned you gobally for harassment.
  4. popdude911

    popdude911 New Member

    i did not even speak the whole round? how did i harass someone?
  5. popdude911

    popdude911 New Member

    id like to see the proof of me harassing someone while i was playing
  6. popdude911

    popdude911 New Member

    still waiting
  7. popdude911

    popdude911 New Member

    still no proof an hour later starting to think a certain mod just doesn't like me and just put a false ban on me. cause you can go into chat logs of the match i played and i can guarantee you wont find harassment.
  8. ryan

    ryan yeet VIP

  9. My Dime Is Up

    My Dime Is Up Its my dime to code VIP


    I requested that Lordy global your ban after you acted out in the shoutbox and degrading the server and community. Your global ban was extended to 2/21/2019 however you then proceeded to PM me in discord about 6 hours after you were banned. Currently, an even longer extension is currently being reviewed by an admin. However, I will let Lordy respond too then.


    Stated before, you messaged me later too after you already had a global handed out for your previous message. Here is what you sent me which warranted me to request a global longer than 2/21/2019
  10. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

    Heyo. I'll cut to the chase, after your other appeal was denied you lashed out at Dime for which you were warned by Mango.



    That would have ended there and I would have reviewed the appeal when I woke up, however, you proceeded to continue telling Dime to hang himself in PMs, and thus I applied a 5 day global ban for Harassment.


    This kinda harassment isn't allowed no matter who it's directed at; I will be willing to reduce the ban to 1 day if Dime sees fit.

    Please contact me here: if you have anything to add, please keep in mind the manner in which respond however.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
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