Approved Pinku's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Pinku, May 24, 2017.

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  1. Pinku

    Pinku New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I accidentally false KOS'd someone, killed myself, and left the server
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Alright so, this is what happened. I was playing on the server when I wanted to type in chat that I saw someone kill another person a few rounds back. My chat key (Y) is right next to my "X is a Traitor!" key (T). So of course, just by happenstance as Warden was walking by, I accidentally hit (T). Then, failing to realize that I hit the wrong key, I began to type out my message, but because my K key is my kill bind, I killed myself, sealing it on my body that Warden is KOS. Feeling shitty and stupid about these two things, I went to pull up the menu where you can PM people to tell a mod that I messed up, and to alert people that it was an accidentaly KOS. unfortunatly, going through my F1-12 keys to find the menu key, I hit one of my older binds which loads up a Gm_Flatgrass, which I only had as a way to reload my gmod a long time ago before I updated my graphics card. By the time the flatgrass had loaded, and I went to join the East 2 server, I was alerted of a 5 day ban.

    Now, I want to say, that if I was a mod and I saw someone false KOS, kill themselves to imprint the KOS, and leave, I would call them a jackass and ban them myself. However, everything I did was a complete accident. I don't play TTT to grief, I play it to shoot people. I do hope that knowing my side of the story, you will reconsider my ban and remove it entirely.​
  2. Dwardu

    Dwardu School tmrw? VIP

    You were banned for RDM and Leave (1st offense) by @Chastity4lyfe, please be patient until they gather their evidence.
  3. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    Hey @Pinku
    That's not actually why I banned you.
    This is the report I banned you for:

    I had Pmed you on Lego to get a better time frame of when you saw him shoot, but received no response, then you left. But I did manage to look at shot logs, and noticed you werent' near him either times he killed innocents (which is the only time he shot his gun).

    As you see in the first picture, it includes my PM to you, and this is also the two kills Thompson had committed. (both of which you were not in view for). The second picture is for the first kill as well.

    Therefore - you cannot kill on suspicion, aka assuming he was going to kill someone.
  4. Pinku

    Pinku New Member

    I really could have sworn that I saw him shooting.... I am not one to randomly snipe people without reason, but I now see why i was banned. Is there any way I can come on and serve out any slays and avoid a full five day ban? Its nice playing there for the mose part.
  5. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    Yep that's fine, I will void this if you can add me on steam and come serve a slay.
  6. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    Player has served his slay.

    Appeal: Approved
    Thread: Locked
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