Approved Onion Wizard's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Onion Wizard, Jul 25, 2019.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Onion Wizard
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    @Irish banned me and my gf for playing on the same IP because he thought we were the same person despite us both getting on mic to prove otherwise. He demanded we get on mic, we did, he then said "That doesn't prove anything." So we did what he said then he banned us anyway. We were literally playing at the same exact time every round and even killed each other sometimes in gunfights where we we both fighting lol.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I don't have any recording because I'm on my gf's laptop that I don't have anything set up on. But I would like the see the evidence that @Irish had to ban us for ghosting. We didn't ghost at all lol..​
  2. Also look at what IP's I usually use and you will see this the first time I ever used the one I was banned on. Because I am at their house.
  3. Credence

    Credence Demon Lord VIP

    Tagging @Irish as he banned you for Ghosting, the thing that he wanted to see was definitive evidence that you are not the same person, a picture of both of you sitting at different computers, perhaps.
  4. Irish

    Irish SGMs Residential Frog-min VIP

    Hello, onion the reason i banned you for ghosting is because 2 accounts on the same IP falls into ghosting category on first inspection when i asked you what the second account was you said “oh that’s my ghosting buddy” and as much as that could’ve been a joke it didn’t help that you couldn’t prove you were different people, i asked if you could both use the in game voice option at the same time meaning on both accounts you would speak at the same time which you only talked on one, further more after you did that I said “so can you prove you’re different people” or something along those lines to both account and was first told by you too “just ban us then” and ignored after that, whilst i’m currently out because I left after that ordeal and don’t have access to my screenshots rn, Ill show you when i land home but it still means nothing if you can’t prove you’re different people thanks

  5. @Credence we asked him what we could do and he said to both get on mic. We did that but he still banned us. Why didn't he ask for the evidence? Also, why do we have to post pictures of ourselves? That's ridiculous and not something she would have even done. He didn't even ask for that anyway..
  6. Dude we literally both got on the mic twice. Were you listening? We did it when asked. Also, only one computer had a mic we could use. And we were both playing every single round from the preparing on our own computers. We didn't go afk at all. How would I play on both computers at the same times and get kills? I only have two hands.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2019
  7. Alexandra

    Alexandra New Member

    Sharing an IP does not immediately indicate ghosting. What about internet cafes or universities? Is everyone on the same campus ghosting? That's silly.

    Could've? Really? You can't even make the "...but it's text" argument, because he said it over voice.

    I don't own a mic for my primary (desktop) PC. @Onion Wizard was using my laptop which has a built-in webcam and mic. We both - different people - spoke on mic in-game. How is that not enough?

    How are we supposed to prove it then? There's no way I'm uploading a picture of myself, and I'm not going to go out and buy a mic.
  8. Irish

    Irish SGMs Residential Frog-min VIP

    After further review of my recording of both accounts playing and the voice message, I'm content they're different people I'd like to apologize for this mix-up and hope there's no hard feelings, hope to see you guys on the servers again.
    Sorry and thanks for your patience,
    Appeal(s) : Accepted
    Ban(s) : Voided​
  9. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    I want to clarify something here as this was brought to my attention. It is not considered ghosting to share an IP with another user. While it may be used as proof that ghosting may have occurred, it is not enough to ban off of alone. That however doesn't really matter here as Irish didn't ban for ghosting, he actually just mixed up the terminology. He actually should have banned for the alternative account rule. We don't allow two alts to be used on the same server at the same time, and so we will often require proof that there are two different people using each account.

    It seems as if Irish has taken care of this and so I won't really go into much depth here, but for future reference I thought it was best I clarify. :)
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