Answered *Not sure how to name this

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Jiggly-Puff, Sep 21, 2020.

  1. So imagine you don't like a map and you !rtv it, every time someone does that it appears a little message of the person that rtv in chat and it should appear in chat also the person typing !rtv (ofc unless you are t and you say it in team chat) so what if there were 4 innos, 2 of them rtv but you dont see it in chat and you only see 1 more person walking around, can you KOS him for that?
  2. firemac

    firemac Mac N Cheese VIP Silver

    I tried answering you in shoutbox but you must've missed it, but no you can't since it's possible to RTV from the ulx menu or in console (also to create a bind) which won't show "!rtv" in chat, so you can't assume they're MIA, plus the other 2 innos could easily be still alive but just camping or delaying.