New rule on MOTD: No guilt by association

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Enigmatica, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Please note that the context of these situations is in small rooms with smaller groups of people (3-4) in closed-off areas. Not big open ares prone to sniping or large groups that usually turn into clusterfucks when someone starts shooting.


    All too often, either me or another T buddy or just people in general will get KOS'd for "being with a traitor" Now staff already, for the most part, that in some cases (actually in all cases), the sole fact that you were near a traitor when they did something traitorous does not permit you to be KOS'd. If I walk in on 2 people and one kills the other, I give them some time (very small amount) to either ID the body or explain what happened (if he aims in my direction, I will probably start shooting because it implies I'm his next target), but I'm not the kinda guy to walk into a clusterfuck and start shooting. A lot of people will kill someone the very instant they kill someone else (I will too if the victim is a proven innocent, but otherwise, I am cautious about who's name I put on my bullets).

    Buuut I digress. I think we need a stated rule that says "Players are not guilty by association. You cannot KOS a player because they were near a traitor," or something to that effect.

    Aaaaand if my memory is fucked and you actually CAN kill someone because they were hanging out with a traitor, then completely ignore this. Though I've long been under the impression that you need more evidence (such as the other player doing things already listed as traitorous).
  2. Jdog2360

    Jdog2360 Regular Member

    I don't think it is fair to have that ability to kill an AFK because a traitor that was just killed people around them didn't aim for them. I want to purposely kill a bunch of people around a non T afk so that somebody else will kill him, thinking he is a T, because I didn't kill him.
  3. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    What we really need are smarter traitors. There have been quite a few times when I was in a group of innocents with a fellow traitor and they just start shooting people. I am left with the decision of either trying to take out everyone with them or shoot around my T buddy to make it look like I was trying to help kill him to get "proven." If I end up doing nothing people immediately begin to question me as to why I did not help and I have to try and come up with an excuse.
  4. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    A traitor can really only be "guilty by association" in the case where there is a group of T's and one decides to kill someone. If they players around him do nothing about it then obviously they are traitors and can be shot. I personally only act upon it in extremely obvious cases.
  5. Snak

    Snak Banned

    Id like this rule added please or made clear that it is kosable. Ive been told by admins and mods with various different answers so the way I did it, If there doing something clearly traitruous such as kiling a detective or planting a c4/tripmine etc and u ignore it its kosable But Im not sure if thats right or not, but since i havent been told a clear answer ive just done what i decided what was right
  6. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    The major way that I can see someone being guilty by association is not following a KOS. An example would be someone standing and looking right at a person with a KOS on them and doing nothing. Then, when that person is killed and is a T, that person could be guilty by association; especially if someone like a Detective calls it.

    There is also the situation that DieKasta mentioned.

    You also have times when one traitor gets a KOS on him for doing something traitorous and his T buddy tries to defend him; the t buddy not even being near the person they are defending and not knowing what they did. Pretty easy to tell that they are a T.

    I feel that some things could be considered RDM, but I feel that we should not punish some players for using common sense. The T's already have the upper hand by having special weapons and knowing who the Traitors are; not to mention they have team chat.

    I think we all just need to keep in mind that there is a fine line between RDM and common sense; mainly because common sense isn't so common. I will admit that I do hate having my hands tied, knowing someone is a T by common sense, but not being able to do anything about it.

    I could see a lot of these "Guilty by association" moments being almost nearly the same as killing on suspicion.
  7. Snak

    Snak Banned

    Yes what mango said, it is a fine line between common sense or rdming
  8. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I agree. I'm not saying "don't kill a traitor even if you are sure he is one." Use common sense in situations. I'm just saying in situations where a firefight begins, you shouldn't be able to KOS the guy who is doing nothing. Often times, I will walk in on a firefight but refuse to shoot (because I have no idea who shot first and what went down). The innocent victim, if they manage to survive, or another bystander will call a KOS on me because I didn't shoot the traitor, so therefore I must also be a traitor, when in reality, I just don't want to walk in and start shooting just because other people are.