Mouse house removal

Discussion in 'Maps' started by Theipns, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. Theipns

    Theipns Active Member

    Way to open, so much delay on it and i'm sure quite a few people will agree with me.
  2. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I would like to see it replaced with a wilderness map with some hills and trees.
  3. movp

    movp Member

    I agree mouse house is too open and lots of deaths are by falling
  4. Frag

    Frag Click Click ` BOOM! VIP

    I definitely do not agree.

    Why remove a map because people keeps falling to their death and its too open? I think the two of those connect in a way to balance out the game. The map is very open and this does give-away traitors pretty fast because most things can be saw from all the way across the map. However, the fact that people fall to their death a lot is their fault. Them falling is also one less person a traitor has to take out.

    So at the same time the maps fking the traitor over and helping it. I personally like playing on mouse house.. it has some decent traitor traps and good sniper spots.
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    That's the thing, though. We already have maps like rooftops for the people who like sniping. I also think the concept of being little is also already taken care of with teen room and dolls. In my opinion it should be replace with one of the maps in Magafe's map suggestion topic.
  6. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    Or replaced with my map I'm making.
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  7. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    I think it should be taken out of the rotation, not fun at all and people are beginning to find other ways to have fun there *ahem savaging ahem*
  8. Mega978

    Mega978 New Member

    It is a pretty shit map. About 60% of the innocents just draw penises on the walls and wait until they get sniped by some SVD T about half way into the round or get jihaded.
  9. saczva

    saczva VIP


    It's too big, too open, any kind of traiting will be spotted almost instantly, there is simply no diversity in the tactics and gameplay unlike on rooftops where you have long range sniping with lots of cover and medium to short range combat areas to mix things up.

    This map's just a giant snoozefest where Ts do nothing for 5 mins then kill 2 people and die while I and half the innos draw shit on the walls.
  10. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member

    +1 GET RID OF IT!
  11. Theipns

    Theipns Active Member

    Thanks for the awesome feedback/support for my idea appreciate it
  12. Ph4ntom

    Ph4ntom Serious Member

    Preach it.
  13. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver