Denied Lovisa's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Lovisa, Mar 31, 2020.

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  1. Lovisa

    Lovisa His queen :3 VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Somebody joined the server with ******* in their name. Some of us in mic chat were joking about how moat gaming is a bad server, i was sarcastically saying "moat is the best server" and "we should go to moat" my tone was very sarcastic and i was laughing. I'm not sure which other playing were joking with me but thats kind of irrelevant. I was unaware that it was against the rules to talk/promote another server, even if i did not mean it. It was not my intention to try and persuade anybody to leave the server. I've been trying to not be as toxic lately as im aware it can ruin the game for other players, and it was really a shame that this small slip up has got me banned for two weeks, especially as all i have been doing is playing on this server. I would really like to be unbanned so i can continue to play during lockdown for the next 5 weeks.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I did unintentionally promote another ttt server, and for that i apologise.​
  2. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

    Your steamID is STEAM_0:0:104334216 and you were banned by @Frost please be patient while they gather their evidence.
  3. Frost

    Frost Frosted Pun King VIP

    i have seen this and will respond later
  4. cynder

    cynder ice queen VIP

    Frost gave you a warning to stop, you kept going. So there's no way that you didn't know it was against the rules before you were banned.

    (EDIT: i was there, forgot to mention)
  5. Lovisa

    Lovisa His queen :3 VIP

    I was kicked, so i came back, then kindred started talking shit about real moats. i have a recording so let me find the time between being kicked and banned and ill upload it
  6. Frost

    Frost Frosted Pun King VIP

    Hi, so you were banned for advertising for people to join another community via voice chat. Someone made mention of moat and you stated to quote: "moat is such a good server, I might go there right now" --- "Everyone go to moat".....
    Here in this live news video, you can see while I was training a T-Mod, you made mention of those statements. I went ahead and kicked you off of former protocol on accident. However I got in contact with @Jabba the Slut and was informed to go ahead an instant ban you for 2 weeks.
    We discussed the reasoning why and to go ahead on the ban, please reconsider the way you act and present yourself here. You have a history and this an issue you need to fix.
    Your attempts of being less toxic have not been seen or noted. I had to continue to gag/rgag you for micspam, and initiating toxicity within vanilla and making the staff's job more difficult. I have not seen the slightest improvement please take this time to really consider your effort to be less toxic. You can do it.

    This appeal therefore is DENIED.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2020
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