So currently, after a map has been played it's locked for 2-3 map rotations? (btw this suggestion is for modded servers) Well that's not long enough. You can notice especially on eu2, that the same overrated maps are played over and over again. Maps such as datmap, concrete, forest final and italy are rarely seen. Most commonly all of the 67thway, assault, dolls and maps like that are played way more than the others. So the maps should be locked for 6-8 map rotations, or even more. This would force the players to play other "not so known" maps. Which again would cause players to get more familiar with the other maps and maybe cause people to like them.
Those maps are selected because players like to play on them. Force them to play a map and that could force them to leave. They're popular and played often for a reason: people like them. This has been suggested a few times, but the majority outweighs the few.
We have some tweaks to RTVing, map locking etc in the works, they'll be tested out soon to gauge feedback!
To be honest I've seen maps like Italy and Dust2 being picked often, I guess it depends on which maps get locked and the time you join the server. Yes, 67thway and such are overplayed but at the same time people like them a lot (including myself), a bit of a change won't hurt anyone but when the majority likes them changing things can cause an influx of complaints sadly.
I don't think that 8 rounds is a good idea, but it does get annoying that 80% of the maps I play are the same handful of maps. Those maps are all good, yes, but I almost never get to experience one of the new maps, and people won't ever know if they like something else or not if they get to play it 1/100 times
I would support locking maps for 5 games, this would push all of the common/overplayed maps through the rotation at least once and have a not so well known map chosen. I have often used the server late at night when there are less people on to go for a new map, just to explore it. There was one night when there were only 8 people on the east server and we cycled through a dozen maps I had never seen before. A lot of them I would love to play again but due to weighted votes by ranked members, a non donator can not make much of a differance in this aspect. It is another reason I am looking into getting a donator rank, just to influence a wider variety of maps. Conclusion: I fully support this (For what my support is weighted) 5 rounds locked would be acceptable. 7 ideal, 10 is over kill.
Except, often, they are not people's favorites. They are just the maps they are most familiar with. It's like going to an ice-cream shop with 200 flavors and always getting vanilla. You know the other flavors are there, but you don't try them because you know for a fact you like vanilla, but you don't know what the others are like. You might even think vanilla will always be your favorite, until you try cookie-dough.
I havent played in awhile, but I when I did play excessively, I would rarely play any map but the common ones. It was pretty much 7 maps on rotation, with the first six being the same, and the seventh being the oddbird that was usually just another map people where familiar with, and usually it would be RTV'd because it was different. it would be once in maybe 7 hours of playing that I would get to play one of the 'new' maps, which people worked so hard on.
Well lets have a look at the popular maps right now. -Inno motel -Dolls -Assult -Clue -Roy the ship -Terror train 6 maps that are over played, even though I love Dolls I want to explore new maps. Asking for 6 locks would put one new map every 6 if these come through cycled. Another idea would be to give a few more rounds per map, say 2 rounds making a total of 8, adding about 15 minutes of gameplay depending. More locks are not an unreasonable request.
-1 The maps that are popular get played a lot because people (including myself) like them. Other maps like datmap, concrete, forest etc. don't get played much because they are not as good as 67th way, dolls, innocent motel etc. I know that change is good but if people like those maps the most, why should you limit them?
Well, Like I said above. People don't even know half the maps on there exist. Some people love concrete, forest, and Datmap but never can play them because other people don't. Are you really going to say that we can't have 1/7 maps be something different than the usual? Is a new experience really so bad we should practically eliminate most chances of it happening?
Yes, some people do prefer the other maps like forest, concrete etc. but they are in the minority. If you were to limit the maps that most people like then far more people will be unhappy. I have a decent understanding of most maps, while I do not particularly hate most maps, the less played maps like forest, concrete etc. for the most part are less enjoyable in my opinion(no traitor traps/rooms no secrets). I understand that some people like these maps and that they have every right to do so but then if you lock the most popular maps like 67th way. You want to lock these maps for 7 rotations. Each rotation has 6 rounds and each round last approx. 5 mins. That's 3.5 hours of not being able to play the maps that the majority likes. This, in my opinion, would drastically lower the fun that people have on the server because they will only be able to play a popular map every 3 and a half hours, which I find unacceptable. If people do not know what other maps are like, they can try them out in sandbox to get a better feel of them. Anyway when there is a map that the majority don't like, people RTV anyway by the second round and switch to a different map.
I'm starting to think you skipped past at least part of what I typed above. People, for the most part, pick the maps they are familiar with. They pick the ice-cream they are familiar with. They don't try something new over what they already know they are going to like, for the most part. Yes, there are exceptions, but the majority won't go out of their way to take a risk. Now, lets make an assumption, in place of the one we are already making. We assume the most commonly selected maps are people's favorites. Collectively, this might be true, but individually, it is very possible that a significant number of people have their absolute favorite map be something else than what is commonly selected. And lets take this a step further. Lets figure out which map has the majority liking it the most. By your logic, that map should be the only map this server plays, because all the other maps are less enjoyable for the majority of the playerbase. Or, at the very least, get rid of all the other of maps, because why have them? Even long-time players rarely, if ever, get to play one of the new maps introduced to the server. At one point, when I was playing for several hours each day, and one of the new maps where introduced (I cant remember the name), I went a full three weeks without getting a chance to play on it. Is it because they didn't like the map? I doubt it. They just didn't recognize it, or know it was fun. I think you are seriously doubting the playerbase if you think it's such a drastic change to make sure at least 1 new map is played every few hours. If someone is going to be so offended they couldn't play their map every other game, that they are going to leave the server, why do we want to cater to them so closely?