Finished It is Wednesday my dudes.

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Excursive Bite of 87, Aug 14, 2018.

  1. It is Wednesday my dudes

    10k points (might add more points)
    No other prizes.

    How to enter
    Say something about Wednesday

    You can also enter for others if you want

    End date
    When it's not Wednesday, might delay a bit depending on when Wednesday ends.
    • Like Like x 2
  2. TrinityBlade ⚔️

    TrinityBlade ⚔️ They question the king upon leaving. VIP

    It's not Wednesday yet.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Panduh

    Panduh I love ass VIP

    Wednesday is a pretty cool day.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Gazzy

    Gazzy they're GREAT! VIP

    kool lmao
  5. Giraffe

    Giraffe We take the small victories VIP Silver Emerald

    Wednesday is tomorrow.
    Thanks for the giveaway.
  6. Hyper ✿

    Hyper ✿ peace lata VIP Bronze

    thanks dude
  7. Silly

    Silly Fantasy VIP Silver

    I start school tmrw on Wednesday, h*ck you Wednesday
  8. Eventful

    Eventful Master of Chat Commands

    It is the day that falls chronologically after Tuesday and before Thursday my members.

    it's not Wednesday yet :eek: (but 10k points is still 10k points :D)
  9. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. I lost my virganity on a Wednesday.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Boomshakalaka

    Boomshakalaka VIP Bronze

    Wednesday has 9 letters.
  12. Carl

    Carl Kachow! VIP

    Wednesday is a short day so that’s good
  13. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    I dunno man, pretty sure Wednesday is just as long as all the other days.
  14. Saturnity

    Saturnity SGMs Personal Planet VIP

    I think he meant school? That's what mine does at least. On Wednesday we get out an hour early.

    Entry please :D
  15. TLCFanboy

    TLCFanboy (◕‿◕✿) VIP Bronze

    Wednesday is a short work day for me, so it's cool 8)
  16. Death

    Death May we meet again. VIP Bronze

    Seeing the word Wednesday so much makes me feel like it isn't spelt correctly.. Anyways, Wednesday sometimes feels like a Friday :X3:
  17. Aluf

    Aluf -redacted by the administration- VIP

    Wednesday reoccurs every week
  18. Bubonic

    Bubonic Burning heretics since M31 VIP

    • Funny Funny x 3
  19. Carl

    Carl Kachow! VIP

    For skool u silly goose
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Confusing Confusing x 1
  20. Wednesday?

    More like WednesGAY