It Ends Tonight.

Discussion in 'Farewells' started by Wendy, Jul 5, 2017.

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  1. Wendy

    Wendy Chaotic VIP

    Hello there.

    thanks for the amazing experience that I've had in the community,servers and on the staff team.

    Anyways this month I've noticed most of my friends either resigned or left and it has made staffing and playing on gmod not worth it for me anymore. I know I've only been a mod for 10+ days but some go early and some go late.

    Also this would be great both for the community and me, my hours have dropped in staff so a better staff will replace me also I'm having a lot of irl issues at the moment. Mental illness also takes a toll on you, but I'm not going to make any other excuses.

    I'm sorry to disappoint you Agent A, you were a great admin for me, and a great teacher.

    As I said once on the shoutbox, when people leave they will be replaced and forgotten. This is a true fact in my eyes and I still stand by it, even though It's a sad fact.

    Also I don't like people showing me pity, a staff member will be locking this.
    If you would like to tell me something, steam message me.

    And whoever is applying (can't say names) Good luck even though I gave some of you -1 <3

    Happy anniversary SGM!!!

    and yeah after this farewell I will be not on 'Online' status on steam for a whole month
    (My own steam purge don't ask me why, I'm retarded just like that)
    ,also I'l be removing anyone that I haven't talked to for a long time or that I'm not close to
    (If you want you can re-add me after that, if not I don't mind)....that's it really I think.

    I will never return for good, only maybe come to say hi or play a game of TTT once in a while.

    Bye, Bye - And as I used to say, back in the good old days, THIS IS HOW LEGENDS LEAVE. (kappa, i suck)

    Here's a song if you're going through tough times:

    Also here, a song to end my farewell:

    (You will never get a irl photo though )
    Here are some memories I shared with this community:

    Give me at least some credit for this good old meme ;) - inkern nice job on making that on a gif though :p

    Rhienor is a grammar nasi, givee meh the honouur of rateing thies baed spilling!

    • Friendly Friendly x 12
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  2. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    Thread Locked. Please message NoX if you want to say good bye or have some words.
    In other words, staff, do not post here.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
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