Is having sex with passable transsexual gay?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Chad, Mar 27, 2020.



  1. You going to hell

  2. God don't mind it

  1. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    Yeah it's pretty gay because even if they change their gender it's still a dude in disguise, balls touching or not
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    They are a woman, you are a man. Not gay. Or gay. Who cares, if you are attracted to her than go for it.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  3. Makoto

    Makoto VIP

    Thank you it's been long time since I haven't laughed like that @Grumble
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Makoto

    Makoto VIP

    But to respond to that, I believe this guy asked whether or not it's gay because he believes in the existence of some sort of supreme being that created the entire universe. So in the first place, if such a being would exist, the probability of it giving a fuck about it is really low. In the second place, since it's technically a girl, I believe she can now give birth, which means even if she's born as a man, she's now a girl and I don't think that the Bible even talks about such a technical thing so if he was really concerned about that he should ask to the Pope directly, and third of all, I believe in the case that God does exist and cares about that, I believe that the Bible forgives you anything if you are truly sorry for it.

    To me, he was asking that because he wanted to know if it's gay and religion is just an excuse to question about it which I answer, just go for it if you feel like it ! :p
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2020
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  5. Dodley27

    Dodley27 Dolfin VIP Bronze

    That is biologically impossible
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Makoto

    Makoto VIP

    Well I just checked and it's true that it would require an embryo transplant. It's a deep subject and I don't really want to tell my opinion here, but let's summarize this way : has a pee pee = man, no pee pee = woman. And I'm talking about sex, not gender.
    No pee pee = no homo, is it ok ?
  7. Pokeben10

    Pokeben10 tell me pretty lies Moderator VIP Silver

    they don't cut your dick off lol

    they just... reshape it
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. Dodley27

    Dodley27 Dolfin VIP Bronze

    I have changed my first reply to this thread accordingly
  9. Makoto

    Makoto VIP

    Well I thought it was a more complex process...

    The Bible isn't the clearer book of all time in general and even less in a scientifical matter. It's so unclear that religious people need interpreters to get the real meaning of it. And I'm not sure there is an equivalent thing in the Bible. Jesus also ask to spread love and expels the merchands out of the temple by force with a whip (Marc 11, 15-19, Matthieu 21, 12-17 et Luc 19, 45-48) the names are in french because I don't know if they are the same in English.

    I'm not a religious stuff enthusiast so I should quit talking about that in order to not offend anyone.
  10. Pokeben10

    Pokeben10 tell me pretty lies Moderator VIP Silver

    nah you're not offending anyone, i promise lol