How borderline is a spray?

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by HULK, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Admins have the discretion on rules. Mods don't. If I see you with that spray on the server and someone complains about it, I will ask you to change it, as will most other admins. I also highly recommend changing it.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. HULK


    I'd highly appreciate it if you would either tell me it needs to be changed, or not. I think the spray is funny, and multiple times more appropriate than some of the sprays I've seen be left alone. I don't use it to be a "Loophole troll". I just play the game the way I feel is most fun, while staying in the rules. There really isn't anything more to it.
  3. SpeakEZ

    SpeakEZ VIP

    HULK if you would be so kind as to change the spray into something thats not covering up a sexual scene, it would be greatly appreciated, from a mod to mod basis it may be ok, or not ok, but ADMINS are telling you that it is not, so please for the sake of everyone debating over this, change it, and its problem solved :)
  4. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    HULK, just change it man. We do have a younger audience and people who don't like seeing those kinds of images. While you might think it's fine, others might think otherwise. If more than one staff member is asking you to change it, you should just change it. Put yourself in the other person's shoes and see how it would feel to see someone posting those kinds of sprays in game.

    For the good of the community, just change it to something that's actually appropriate.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. BeastlyMcKinley

    BeastlyMcKinley You mod, bro? VIP

    A lot of things in this picture suggest it as sexual. And you are purposefully trying to push the limits of the rules and see how far you can go before you get warned. If that isn't "loophole trolling," I don't know what is.
  6. prochaos

    prochaos VIP

    "They are like a cancer that degrades the name of the community and we will cut them out." Funny shit my good man