Hello, World!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Paradox, Apr 13, 2020.

  1. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

    Honestly, I don’t know why I’m writing this as I’m kinda well known but a lot has changed since I last did an intro and there are many new faces! This intro is gonna cover some personal stuff about me some might not be comfortable with so I wanted to get that out of the way now let's start!

    Who am I? In-game I’m currently known as Fang and previously known as Dante and or Nagisa or for you oldies Vector Or Robotic Wolf! My real name is Bergen weird I know it’s Norwegian I’m 19 and born and raised in Minnesota, some stuff that has changed from the past that isn’t so good is well I wanna be straightforward I suffer from severe anxiety paranoia and I have Depression I rely on making others happy which in turn makes me happy I have this I don’t know what to call it idea that everyone else means more to me than myself I wanna put others wants, cares, feelings and more above my own at all costs and I’m not always successful and when I disappoint I end up spiraling into sadness, worry, and paranoia that I’m gonna lose that person as a friend or I’m gonna make them hate me. I’m sure that isn’t usually gonna be the case but I can never shake it no matter how much I try. I wanna preface this next part and just say right now I’m bisexual and I know @dazza will probably hate me saying this I have a boyfriend and damn, that's really changed how I look and feel to things I wanna spend so much time with him and for most of my life I’ve been alone... I was always bullied, teased, left by myself and no one wanted to be my friend until around 8th grade I made 4 friends, and in my senior year met a group of people that were my friends for a while before turning on me and basically exiling me, this honestly sent me into a deep depression because I honestly blamed myself for it all and believe it or not my boyfriend was one of those however he was different, around two weeks after we met (Before the group exiled me) he fell in love with me but didn’t have the courage to ask me out in fear of how the others (The Group) would react and out of fear i’d turn him down and he’d never have the one person he wants to be with when he asked me out I was confused and it was after I was exiled so honestly I was a bit skeptic and untrustworthy but he was serious and quickly proved it too, the biggest burden right now is the group that I was exiled from they are his best friends so obviously i’m not gonna make him leave them let alone ask but I can’t let them know about us or they would bully, harass, and excommunicate him until he would break up with me which honestly makes me really fucking mad but i’ve learned to let it go, and honestly since i’ve met him my anxiety, paranoia, and depression have been improving he doesn’t care about how I look, how I sound, he doesn’t care i’m autistic (What used to be called Aspergers), he doesn’t care when I make mistakes he just helps me improve and I cannot thank him enough and honestly he’s saved my life with how amazing he is I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for him, he motivated me to apply for mod (Some of you will probably hate him for that cause you dislike me), he motivated me to pursue coding and a new job and a lot lot more. And I honestly just can’t imagine being alone in this world again and hope it doesn’t come to that and I wanna be transparent here you can harass me, you can do what the hell you wanna do or say to me but please don’t talk negatively about my boyfriend It honestly really makes me mad when people do that and I’m hoping we can remain kind in this thread. Also to all those out there with depression, anxiety, paranoia, and other things just know someone always cares about you. You're wanted and always will be no matter your mishaps or faults never give up hope you can make it through it and if you ever need to talk I’m here I’ll never turn you down if you just need someone to talk to!

    Lastly here's a song that really helps me relax and calm down.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
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  2. Grumble

    Grumble VIP

    thats cool fang welcome back you fucker
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

    thanks mate
  4. Lady Cloudia

    Lady Cloudia VIP Silver

    You're a good lad.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. Twitch.youtube.com.ttv/AAAAAAA911

    Twitch.youtube.com.ttv/AAAAAAA911 Now you just somebody that I used to know VIP Silver

    • Agree Agree x 1
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  6. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

    @Solar fixed grammar mostly for ya XD
    • Like Like x 1
  7. My eyes hurt from trying to read this, welcome back.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Solar

    Solar El Dorado VIP

    There are still long-ass sentences but yes; A for effort.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  9. JynxtheMynx

    JynxtheMynx So i’m sitting there, bbq sauce on my tiddies VIP

    hi ily ill kiss u on the cheek
    • Old Old x 1
  10. Scooter

    Scooter Scooter#5335 VIP

    taco Tuesday is a thing ok @Fang
  11. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    Fellow nordic minnesotan eh?
  12. Thank you for sharing!! :)) It'll be nice to get to know you!