Different punishment for RDM

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Silent Rebel, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    I was thinking of different ways to deal with RDMing, and i was thinking of maybe a point-refund system. When Player A rdm's Player B, the server forces Player A to pay Player B a certain amount. Maybe we could have it so that when a player rdms a T, the cost of his T round is taken from the offending player and given to the rdm'd player. I don't know how we could handle this for the VIP/VIP+ players, since the cost of T rounds vary between donations level.
  2. TheEvilMouse

    TheEvilMouse Member

    I have some criticisms that i'll list in random order.

    1. Make it so the admin has to approve the point transfer, in case the rdm was justified. (Also slay them still)

    2. Do this for all types of rounds. A RDM'D Traitor should get 600, A RDM'D Detective should get 200-300 and an Inno should get 100.

    3. The points should be transferred whether the RDM'er has them or not, should force them into the negatives if they don't.

    In general, I very much support this idea.

    If this is not added, We do still need a greater form of punishment for RDM. You lose your round, this round is worth more to you if T/D, and the punishment is them losing 1 round too? It's really pointless in my opinion.
  3. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    We earn points at a 300 points/hour rate.

    That's currently our only source besides fun rounds and the lottery.

    Everyone would go bankrupt really fast if they had to pay back in a 1:1 amount.

    I don't think this would work for normal RDM. Though if we added a "Revenge RDM" punishment. That is, clear intentional RDM - the worst RDM of it all(when someone knows they're RDM'ing but does so out of anger or stupidity), we could implement a point punishment for those users. I know a couple users who revenge RDM people every once in a while knowing full well they'll get a slay.
  4. TheEvilMouse

    TheEvilMouse Member

    Zikeji's point is basically why I said it would have to be admin/mod approved.

    Side Idea for different punishment: If you get RDMed on a T round, and it was obviously RDM and all, mod/admins should have the option to pre-slay the RDMer on their next T round instead of just their next round.
  5. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    I like everything.. EXCEPT negatives. I don't think it should go into negative, but that makes it hard to decide what to do when a player cant afford to pay.
  6. TheEvilMouse

    TheEvilMouse Member

    All the points they can pay and a second slay?

    Stuff like ^that^ sounds too harsh, negatives...not so much.