democrats ruin everything

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Hongo, May 11, 2020.

  1. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    i know babe. i know. but im using you as an example.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    Their website has articles on much more than just science. It is also factually correct. Just one of many things I went over when earning my degree in political science.
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  3. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    Dems sure do love blaming everyone else for what they're guilty of :confused:
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  4. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    This is why I blame the democrats. Republicans are basically voting for the same thing. Democrats are voting for the lesser of two evils, knowing it's still evil.
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  5. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    This is a specific case where you're just objectively wrong lol
  6. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    1. Okay? You are talking to someone who believes very much in trade and global economics. If workers can get a better wage in America then they are going to have incentives to come here regardless. Building a wall is not going to destroy those incentives. You want immigrants to stop wanting to come to America? Make it a shitty place to live. I understand that increased immigration may have negative effects on the lower class of Americans, but hey, that is globalization at work. Farming in the US is no longer viable, and requires heavy subsidies, simply because other countries can do it better and for cheaper. We should not be wasting our time kicking and screaming to protect jobs for Americans, rather, we should be looking to find new ways of educating and helping the poor transition into jobs that aren't going to disappear in the next decades anyways. Besides, most Americans wont work for dirt poor picking peaches. Second of all, the money being sent back thing is interesting to me. Do you think that is a bad thing? Last time I checked you can only spend American dollars on American goods. You can exchange them for Pesos, but ultimately those American dollars have to find their way back. This is exchange at work, and it is necessary for the continued survival of our country. Think macro not micro.

    2. I don't understand. Did I say I was for open borders? Of course we can't just allow anyone to come in. There needs to be steps to gain entry, and those who don't follow those steps need to be punished, but I don't think our current system of punishment is good enough. Separating families? Deportations? Jail time? For what, crossing a line in the sand? Does it not seem really fucking ridiculous to you? Where is your humanity? Whatever, i'm done trying to appeal to you fucking people. Every time I try I just get another list of arguments that see this as a game of chess. Why does there always have to be winners and losers? Personally? I think our system needs to be revamped. It needs to be easier for people to get into the country legally, and the path to citizenship should be less bureaucratic. We should also treat crossing into this country as a civil violation. Saves us processing time, saves us dollars in having to house illegals, and saves us the hassle of throwing people in jail (which is basically like giving someone a place to live and food). Just slap them with a fine and get them on the path to citizenship if they can be vetted. Otherwise, just deport them. Like fuck, is it really that hard? Our border patrol seems to be doing a good job based on all those scary ass statistics republicans always throw around. 300,000 people apprehended? Good shit.

    Basically, I just don't give too much of a shit about what is and isn't American. I was raised to see this country as a melting pot of culture, a land of opportunity and freedom. You silly people seem to think being American is tantamount to the privilege of being born in the right place.

    That is how partisan politics work. Trust me, I wish we had a better guy, but I'm ridin' with biden because Trump literally stands against my values and principles. Like me or hate me, I don't abandon that shit so easily. I know what i'm about. My biggest issue with republicans is that they abandon their principles and values the second it is politically expedient. Look at all those Republicans who basically fell in line with Trump's craziness. All those people who said they'd never support him. Here they are now.

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  7. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    They fell in line with Trump's craziness because the only alternative was more craziness. Trump gives the best of their worst ideals. Democrats offer the worst of their worst ideals.
    Everything the Democrats are running on are temporary fixes for problems that will eventually be solved with the passage of time. The few issues that are bigger than politics, they make political. Clean energy, gun safety, improved education systems- If they stopped running on PC ideals and stopped trying to appease the far left, they would draw in nearly every moderate and center-right vote there is, but they don't. They play dumbass games, and continue to spiral down this crazy rabbithole that didn't exist until recently, and justify all the corruption for the sake of ideology.

    Quite frankly, if your values and principles can be sold off for an easy win against your opponent, they must not be that significant too begin with.
    "Better than our enemy" is a cop-out, a way to feel better without actually making change. You said in this post that they abandon their principles and values the second it's politically expedient: How the hell is that not exactly what you are doing with Biden?
    What does Biden support that you actually agree with? How do you think he would possibly implement it in any meaningful way?

    You are literally falling in line with Biden. Literally, every single criticism you just gave towards Republicans applies to yourself and Biden. Here is where you are now: You are voting for a person who incarnates the corruption of American politics while unironically espousing that it supports your principles and telling Republicans they're wrong for choosing politician expedience over values. Either you haven't thought this through, your values are corrupt, or you yourself have gone politically insane.
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  8. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    At the end of the day, Republicans are shit, democrats are shit, but at the end of the day, I can sit down and have a fun time with a Republican whom I disagree with.
    If I tried to do the same with a Democrat, they'd do everything they could to get me fired if I said something 'offensive'.
    And Karen lives on both sides.
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  9. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    republicans ruin democracy

    trump can literally fire anyone who disagrees with him and nobody seems to have a problem with that. like, checks and balances aren't a thing. weird.

    btw to stereotype a political party is dumb. not every democrat hates guns, not every republican hates gays. people believe in what aligns most with their beliefs and that is how it should always be. #moderatesriseup
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  10. food

    food VIP

    Yeah, Biden's a fucking mess, but are we gonna pretend that Trump hasn't said anything stupid or offensive or perverted?

    Just speaking as someone who's been to all three cities, those cities are not as bad as the media has made them out to be. Plus, parts of them are in a bad state because of history, not because of Democrats. Detroit used to be the motorcity, the companies got outsourced, so unemployment/poverty/crime rose. Read a fucking book.
    Literally any city like Chicago or New York with 3 million+ people will have problems with poverty. That's how cities work lmao.
    And republican states have plenty of cities that are worse off. There are these magical places called St. Louis, New Orleans, Memphis, run by republicans, and you're more likely to die there than in any of the places you named.

    You're acting like the republican party knows all, that it's done nothing wrong, ever. There's a man in office right now who has been doing stupid and despicable shit since before he got the position, and no one has ever defended or justified it beyond "lol ur a libtard."

    If republicans won't listen to the news because "it's run by the democrats, everything they say is lies" then who do they listen to? Do they just blindly accept anything Trump says? Because doing that is not only stupid, it's unconstitutional.
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  11. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    Only one way to debate this and that's with memes
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  12. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    I'm mostly liberal, but I do support the death penalty.
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  13. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    are liberals not usually in support of the death penalty?
  14. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Tony Danza

    Tony Danza Regular Member

    Haven't seen Democrats this riled up since Republicans freed their slaves
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  16. LeBlonde James

    LeBlonde James Supporter

    John F. Kennedy, who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, was a democrat.
    Can't imagine they'd be for such equalities if they were so pro-slavery like many claim.

    Reason: most of the party's members switched because of dixie-crat talking points that got popular in the south.
    They got angry over government intervention, and were very pro states-rights. Sounds like they were conservative in their points.
    It wasn't a Democrat or Republican problem, it was the general south and their members. Since Democrats were moving to pro-government policies, the dixiecrats joined the Republican party.
    For the rest of America, they flopped sides as well. Republicans only received southern votes, who were mainly full of conservative ideals, while Democrats recieved votes pretty much from their liberal and government interventionalist policies.

    TLDR Democrats saw a party split through government policies (Big New Deal, Civil Rights Acts) and the southern side started rebelling and voted Republican. The party is of the people, and the people formed the parties we know today.

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    • Winner Winner x 2
  17. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    Also, wanted to say: Yes. This is what needs to happen, 100%.
  18. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    I don't agree with the current system. Any of it. We desperately need reform. But the way you are arguing for things, it's stopgap measure after stopgap measure. Nothing gets resolved. It's just like what you're doing with Biden: Taking the easiest routes rather than just going and accomplishing the things that need to be done to do what's best for everyone.
    You are the one compromising your principles.
    You are the one looking for political expedience.
    You are the one abandoning your beliefs, and I say that as someone who shares the beliefs that you have.
    Biden is not the answer. Corruption is not the answer. The fact you are willing to compromise and pick Biden shows me that you have given up on the things you want to see change, and the only thing you are worried about now is making sure your opponent doesn't get anymore power. That's not right. Our opponent is not the Republicans. It is not Trump. It is the corruption that has infested and infected every part of our political system, and the fact you are feeding into that corruption is atrocious to me. You are never going to be accomplished by being so disingenuous, and any victory achieved through these bad tactics is going to be meaningless because it's going to be opposed and overturned as soon as possible.

    Everything bad that Trump has done can be overturned almost as soon as the right person gets into office. Biden is not that person.
  19. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    Whats the point in explaining to him lol? You're explaining this to someone who cries about tuition fees and then takes out student loans, and then proceeds to cry about debt.

    He wont get it
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
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  20. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    aye cuz Obama was super corrupt and was just in it for the money, but not the literal business man who fires anyone who investigates or challenges him lmaoo

    you are delusional. the trump administration is an opponent of the american people and the democratic system in general.
    Last edited: May 26, 2020
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