Hello \o Today I started editing default cs_office as everyone know to ttt_office with traps and traitor rooms ! And I wanna ask many people what they imagine to be on map I made first Traitor room and there will be also water trap (screenshot from editor not ingame) Suggestions they will be 100% added: SavannahBanana - Falling stairs Suggestions they might be added: No one suggested anything yet.
A possible idea is to make the gas lines outside of the office building itself actually explode. Just a thought thrown out there.
Tbh, leave the map as it is. The counter strike source maps are good on their own (well maybe the glitch roof can be edited on cs_assault to fix the invisible walls/disappearing areas).
I like the idea of maybe turning some of the pictures on the walls into explosive traitor buttons? Alternatively, have the Vending Machines at the end of the main hallway be a traitor trap that explode out and crush anyone right there
I dont think there's any need to turn a classic map that provides good gameplay into just another ''wait for Traitor to stop camping in T-room'' map.