Rejected Crowbar Wars

Discussion in 'Fun Rounds' started by Ahpux Ninja, Aug 30, 2013.

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  1. Ahpux Ninja

    Ahpux Ninja Well-Known Member

    Crowbar Wars would happen like Harpoon Wars. Every like five rounds. It wouldn't take place of Harpoon Wars, but they would just transfer out. I think it would be a great idea. All pros no cons. If you do think of one, please tell me. The crowbars would have the exact same damage it does regularly (20 damage). So, Highwon, just consider it. I would think of it as a really really fun activity to do. Thanks for reading.
  2. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    Flare gun wars, knife wars, sniper wars, pistol wars so many fun kind of wars possible :)
  3. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    We have tested different types of fun rounds and most of them are just slow and take a long time which in turn makes it a boring round. Harpoons are fun because they have range and they pretty much kill instantly. The rounds are generally short and fun.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. MetallicPie

    MetallicPie Regular Member

    can you make them more often.
  5. Ahpux Ninja

    Ahpux Ninja Well-Known Member

    You do have a point. Didn't think of that.
  6. Gristle McThornbody

    Gristle McThornbody Active Member

    I think harpoon wars is the best choice aside from a grenade round. Personally, I'd love to see a map full of frag grenades.
  7. You do realize how much the server would lag from that, Right?
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