I would be ok with this, but as the others said, it wouldn't work out well. Especially since there's people that buy a jihad at the start of the round on certain maps (me included) and keep warning during the round until the situation is good enough to warrant a jihad. Then there's other cases where you ready up for the jihad, warn and everything and everyone scatters which makes the warning completely pointless and makes your T buddies delay as they need to move away from the spot in advance while you're getting to the place. Complaining about getting killed by your T buddy because he "warned wrong" is not his fault. It's yours. If someone warns for a jihad, even if it's nowhere near you, look around for the person and if they're near just run. It's simple as that. The only time I agree would be necessary for a specific warning would be map teleports like in 67thway or minecraftb5. Otherwise, -1.
I don't really agree with your reasoning here. I mean, not that I support this suggestion. But we're held accountable for our actions, if T-Bait someone, then accidentally hit them, that's on me, same with grenades and blah blahh blah.
I completely agree to being responsible for your actions but where I disagree is with your example is with t baiting and shooting someone thats all on you because Your physical aiming the gun. My situation yes I can aim where im going to throw it but its up to game physics on how it rolls/bounces. For all I know the grenade could have been right in the middle of the garage door and backyard. Does that make my call out wrong? No cause its still in the backyard.
I ran out of the back yard and I have recording that you prasly throw it in there p.s. sorry i'm dyslexic and have autism
The garage is in the backyard that whole area behind the house is the backyard. My callout was right but game physics were not on your side my friend.
It's fine but yeah maybe implement a thing like csgo, where you throw nades it will be accompanied by a messenge of the map location.
And you are accurately telling one of the issues with current warnings system. I want to play the game too, if someone keeps warning "Im going to jihad" and does not tell where, I cannot go to any crowded spots otherwise: " " as you point out its my fault. Imagining it from my perspective, I have to avoid basically ALL crowded spots ruining a lot of strategies until I find him and can half figure out what hes doing. (And this is given jihader actually jihads a crowded place, often time people memejihad one of their friends in completely random places that you would not expect in and its still your fault) This becomes completely dumb once its done with a bind with a lot of things. How am I supposed to play my own strategies at all when someone keeps using "Im going to jihad/gauss/shoot explosive barrel/malf pistol/use t trap/fragging" or avoid the thing 100%? It essentially creates a scenario where no matter what its "watchout going anywhere, if you die its your fault not mine". The biggest problem is that the player who warns can easily just choose between the options he warned for. If a player uses warning for something close range(eg jihad) and something long range(eg uses gauss or throws nade) there are times where no matter what I do, I get fucked. If I stay next to him and he jihads, gg, if I run away from him and flow of people goes that way and he decides instead to throw nade there,gg for me again. Its just not fair to the person receiving the warning since its simply useless once it includes too many things and/or done too many times. While obviously there is no perfect solution to this, I think different things could be tested out. My opinion is that a very basic callout near or in warning that extremely limits locations where death is going to be happening is enough: 1)A player can simply still say "using T trap" as a bind as there are very few locations per map with deadly T traps which can be avoided rather easily. 2)A player could make a binding "Throwing a frag nade" and then type in T chat "vent" in 67thway so it does not interrupt a Ts strategy in barn on the other side of the map who would have to play back because of the warning since he doesnt know hes 100% safe otherwise. Keyboard warriors would only have to type out for most part simple 3-6 letter location callouts while having a binding for 1st part which really would not slow down the process to the point where whole ordeal takes too long so it becomes pain in the ass and fellow Ts would actually know where they can safely do their own thing. Also it should 100% be mandatory for innocents or detectives to make a callout where when throwing frag nades and doing other things that damage groups of people. T buddies are limited and you can make some logical sense what is going to happen for most part but if you are an innocent and you see a warning "Im throwing a frag nade" it really tells you nothing on how to avoid it and feels completely unfair when you die to a fellow innocent like that. Sometimes you just dont have a 100% safe location to sit in for next 15 seconds. +1 to overall idea of improving warnings
Yup Lets stop trying to fix things that have been fine for years, and will ultimately make the game less of a game and more like work. I would rather be able to play the game in a streamlined fashion than worry if I am constantly breaking some new rule that was created because someone somewhere sometimes gets killed unfairly as a result. This is a game about murdering each other. Not about micro-managing every possible action.
@zoroark720 I spoke with my admin about the situations you described and these are the conclusions of that: If your traitor buddy decides to be specific and say they are going to throw a nade in an area, but end up throwing it in another area, then that is RDM. Note: If the nade is thrown and blows up in said area, but the splash hits the areas around it, it is NOT RDM, but if it is accidentally/intentionally thrown in another area then whatever damage that causes to teammates is considered RDM. If your traitor buddy warns they are going to throw a nade, be it with a bind or not, but then jihad or use a gaussriffle which in turn damages you, then that is RDM as well. A proper warning, for the use of a item/object/action that may harm others, has to be sufficient and timely: So it must include the action you want to do and be clear that you will be doing it (like "jihading", "fragging", "using trap" or even "jihading/fragging/using trap/using gauss"), it must be given in a reasonable enough time that other players can get away from harm from said action, it must not be ambiguous and it must not be a lie. And as always, you need to have the intent of harming an enemy (innocents if you are a traitor and people you would have a valid reason to shoot if you are a innocent) with such things for the warning to count. Note: The rules were already like this, these are just things I confirmed with my admin. _____ As for my personal opinion about wheter I think the rules should be changed so that warnings have to be more specific, I think it is unecessary and might hamper the use of frags, explosive barrels, jihads and other things you have to warn for. Edit: Fixed a mistyping.
Suggestion wise, this isn't a horrible idea. I think it should be a requirement to at least say the name to the person you're nearby to warn them and give them enough time to react. However forcing players to do this would be a chore, even with team and voice team chat. I'm so-so.