Approved Betrocious's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Betrocious, Dec 7, 2018.

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  1. Betrocious

    Betrocious New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was banned for leaving while there was a report on me which was a false report. so basicly it was a normal round when i was heading to the bridge area thing a guy with a mac 10 was standing still aiming his gun at me so i saw him and i moved side to side as a way to tell him stop pointing your gun at me then after a few times of doing that he started taking shots at me which then i killed him, detective called KOS on me so i hid and i ended up killing the last tratior after he was kos'd. he reported me with ?????? or something so i told him why i killed him and there was no mods or admins on and i stayed up 24 hours the day before so my mom wanted me to go to bad early so i got up and i didn't really have control over leaving or staying for the report so please accept this. thank you​
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Ashes Relandi

    Ashes Relandi ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Weeb Admin of TTT Administrator VIP Silver

    For future reference your correct SteamID is: STEAM_0:0:139623681

    Tagging @Frosty the Gamer as they banned you for RDM and Leave.

    Please wait patiently for their response.
  3. My Dime Is Up

    My Dime Is Up Its my dime to code VIP

    Hi there,

    Thank you for taking the time to make a ban appeal. I will have to accept this ban appeal since it seems the RDM Manager was/is glitched. My death scenes didn't seem to save (even though I had automatic saving on) and the old logs are broken (this may be to a server rollback I saw in the chat posted while attempting to retrieve old logs). I couldn't make a report since you left so there was nothing to screenshot in terms of a report. I will unban and void this ban.


    ~ Frosty

    Appeal: Accepted and Void
    Thread: Locked
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