Answered Banned on the SGM Website

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Bacon Bombs, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. Bacon Bombs

    Bacon Bombs Matthew 1:25 New Testament VIP Bronze

    When someone has the banner labeled "Banned" on our website, how are they banned? Like, is it because they were globally banned, or something special like that? I don't know, I'm just curious, and any help would be appreciated.
  2. Teroxa

    Teroxa Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja VIP Silver

    The 'banned' status means that they are forum banned, which means they can't log in to their account or access the website anymore.
    This sometimes happens alongside an ingame ban but can also occur without the person being banned ingame.

    Most forum bans are for a violation of the forum rules i.e. inappropriate behavior in shoutbox, posting on appeals you're not involved in or generally having too many warning points.
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  3. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    The 'banned' tag results from a forum-only ban. These bans vary in length and occur due to violations of our forum rules found here.
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  4. ThatAintFalco

    ThatAintFalco You should’ve followed the damn train CJ VIP

    When someone is banned on here, it means that they can’t go on the forums at all and instead a message pops up that says “You have been banned.” You’re not banned from the servers, just here depending on the action that led to it such as spamming, posting malicious links, etc.
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