banned 24 hours.

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Tjotjo, Jul 28, 2013.

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  1. Tjotjo

    Tjotjo New Member

    I have just been banned, by who i do not know.
    Im playing detective, 2 innocents are shooting at eachother, the one gets killed, and hes innocent, i shoot the other and hes innocent. I thought he was the traitor. And so i get banned afterwards, i only had time to say im sorry. But i do belive that i shot an admin, that very obviously was knifing another guy, even though i didnt get a straight vision. So the apparent reason is because i shot him and he think i was RDM'ing, with the two innocent guys too. But really, a 24 h ban, with no warning? get in the game man.
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