Dev A Doom WIP

Discussion in 'Hobbies' started by stevenisjusthere, Apr 20, 2021.

  1. stevenisjusthere

    stevenisjusthere Active Member

    So, i started working on a DOOM wad yesterday, and here's the images.
    The spawn, or where you start. You actually start down here, not up there.
    Views of a town, with a simple door texture. No windows because of budget. Maybe.
    A maybe small base. How can i refer to this without sounding edgy?
    A very big tower-mountain-thing. Comparable to a big sig.
    Closer views.
    A place that i would refer as a synagogue, or something.
    Door behind that thing.
    You're going to get that shotgun behind that door, but you are also going to get surprised by some imps and zombiemen, and you're going to fight them off.

    That's the map WIP for now, and i couldn't decide what name would fit the WAD the best, but it has a very loose story, probably. And the map is quite large, i forgot to mention.
    Updates later?
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  2. Moleman

    Moleman Dr Pepper Enthusiast VIP

    Man i didnt know people still made doom maps anymore. keep it up!