Comments on Profile Post by Nitro_Hunter

  1. Frost
    Presidential power is a joke, Congress are the ones who really make the decisions. The president is just the puppet that takes the flack for something congress fkd up
    Sep 30, 2020
  2. Nitro_Hunter
    It’s still funny watching them argue
    Sep 30, 2020
  3. Frost
    I get pissed at stupidity, so I'll take your word it's funny
    Politics in this country is really a joke, just a bunch of babies in suits with tantrum issues
    Sep 30, 2020
  4. Nitro_Hunter
    Thank god I’m Canadian
    Sep 30, 2020
  5. Frost
    i mean, im not a fan of this country, but I rather live here than anywhere else. The US is very much the land of opportunity, it's just up to you to find it and take it.
    Sep 30, 2020
  6. Nitro_Hunter
    Eh fair enough I mean here In Canada we are literally murdering the people who’s land we live on
    Sep 30, 2020
  7. Frost
    America did that years ago, so the old generations were guilty, and now natives sit on their ass for free money lmfao
    honestly it's really open to any American to make something of themselves. However some people are sheep, and buy whatever information at face value, which is pathetic.
    Sep 30, 2020
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