Comments on Profile Post by pekka26

  1. Aquast
    Dumbass get your head out of your ass and see that I dont support it. Maybe stop tryna brown nose for once and use some common sense jesus.
    Aug 30, 2019
  2. pekka26
    whoa sorry for making you feel that way
    Aug 30, 2019
  3. nikki
    how can I hack I don't even know how to hack so I don't know why you guys banned me for no damn reason maybe someone on the server was trying to do this but I don't even know how to hack and my gun wasn't visible for a couple of rounds
    Aug 30, 2019
  4. nikki
    just to let you know I shouldn't even be doing this s*** I want a refund for my vip I'm done with dumbass of staff banning me for no reason I'm a 12 year old kid trying to play why in the name of hell would I hack and buy VIP for 20 fucking dollars wtf is this shit ban real hackers and stop naming other people cuz u a fucking mod I did not hack so fuck you. you worthless BITCH
    Aug 30, 2019
  5. Gonco
    wow... this really made me think o.o
    Aug 30, 2019