Comments on Profile Post by Nefarious ✿

  1. s1rcool
    ay lmao toxic ex staff on my profile whats up
    *rates me dumb *gets triggered when gets a dumb back
    sounds like a pinoy kappa
    Aug 22, 2017
  2. s1rcool
  3. Nefarious ✿
    Nefarious ✿
    wow and now you're including my race. nice job s1rcool even if its just a joke u dont need to include my race :) And u rated all my posts dumb bc u just got lectured and triggered ? lelelleele
    Aug 22, 2017
  4. Nefarious ✿
    Nefarious ✿
    makes me wonder why u edited some of ur responses to that report? :p
    Aug 22, 2017
  5. s1rcool
    Nah pinoys generally toxic you're no different feelsbadman
    its okay, actually do ur job and u wont get reported
    Aug 24, 2017