Invalid Report against i like anime

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by your butt, Aug 14, 2018.

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  1. your butt

    your butt VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    i like anime
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    I think the 5th
    Time of Occurence:
    I couldn't get the time
    Reason For Report:
    Evidence speaks for itself, guy was even killing his own T buddies bc of his aimbot.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Temar

    Temar Administrator VIP

    possible rdm yes, possible crossfire too
    possible hack yes BUT the entire video is 3rd person, pretty hard to prove hacks like that
  3. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    Next time when reporting someone for hacking, press R when you spectate them to spectate in first person rather than 3rd person, as it can be hard to tell from 3rd person.

    However in my opinion, around the 20 second mark in the video provided the so called "Crossfire kill" Shows what I would claim to be conclusive enough evidence with how shaky his aim gets and how it stops moving right after he shoots, multiple times.

    But in the end its up to ya all to decide, what is conclusive and what isnt. I just wanted to point that part out >.>
  4. your butt

    your butt VIP

    At 1:30 or so, it becomes more obvious (in my opinion, such as firing as soon as the players show up in his field of view and firing just the right amount of rounds to kill them), but yeah, I guess it's up to you guys. I wasn't aware you could spectate them in 1st, I am now tho!
  5. Teroxa

    Teroxa Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja VIP Silver

    Alright, I'll just go ahead and mark this one invalid.

    While I do agree that the video looks pretty suspicious, I think I speak for the whole team if I say we wouldn't be comfortable banning based on your video alone.
    Hacking is a serious offense and it comes with a lengthy ban. I couldn't defend banning for a video taken from 3rd person. It's just not clear enough. We need evidence that leaves no room for doubt.

    Next time, try to spectate the player in question from first person. That's makes it way clearer to see if someone is indeed hacking.

    Regardless ... thank you for taking the time to file this report!
    Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

    ~ Teroxa

    Report: Invalid.
    (Evidence inconclusive)
    Thread: Locked.
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