Separate names with a comma.
it would be a bad idea... doing a youtube channel about a SERIOUS ttt server? it would be pretty boring since you can be kicked/banned for pretty...
how am i a troll kalel?! get over yourself, i have been on the server alot longer than you have. sure, you were here when it started but then left...
this isn't going to go over to well... i can already tell
his isn't either.... that character is ageless he is more of an embodiment of life itself. its how the creators of the show designed him, so the...
how am i a douche? because i didn't read your topic? not everyone has to read it, and there were no notifications so i'm not the douche here......
kalel what happened to you leaving haha
i still think a whole month ban is a bit much, why not just tell him to change it like you did with me?
but technically this character doesn't have any age as he is god... he may look like a child but he most definitly is not. its kinda like the...
yeah i read through all of this and i think repulsel needs some discipline of some sort
lol i had gay animated porn spray and only got kicked and told to change
lol what was your spray uncleandyscandy?
"toxic players" is a porn spray really breaking the game for you man? get over yourself, i get its against the rules but all the people get is a...
derpy step the fuck off, this is old now
dude cmon... why are you tattling